Angela. It was so-so to good (never 20/20 but less blurry than the night before) in the morning with my eyes feeling refreshed after a good nights sleep but then would taper off by getting more blurry in the evening. Those of us that have had horrible experiences need to share with others because I do not feel the eye surgeons are properly informing their patients of the potential risks. Please help. The sixth-morning post-op, I could actually see the alarm clock when I woke up without glasses! Have spent as much money, or more, on drops and reading glasses, and taking time off work, as I would have on glasses or contacts anyways. What do you mean by very big number? It feels like I have a sunburn on my right eye and I can not see anywhere near as good as I could have with my glasses. It takes some time for the prescription to stabilize after a PRK treatment. I started to get a little anxious during this time, especially when reading some recovery logs with quicker recovery time. I wanted to avoid spending $500 a year on eye classes but now I spend $500+ a year on eye drops! Within about 3-4 days, the epithelium has healed over the giant scratch. As the doctor reminded me after the surgery- all surgeries have the potential for unforeseen complications. They wanted $160 after several discounts applied and I said to them, Im not paying that much for some temporary vision and I left. The FDA has actually received many complaints from patients throughout the years and many patients are now complaining that complications were not communicated to them properly or at all. LOL That is too funny! Required fields are marked *. In conclusion, I am improving very slowly. Subject to credit approval. Ill summarize here as this story is getting quite long. This epithelium must then heal back. After prk I had blurred vision which left me debilitated because of headaches and difficulty working on my computer. i have really dry eyes already and sometimes they burn so bad i can barely stand it. I work in a kitchen and doing things with vinegar, cutting onions, being near a stove or a grill are a constant struggle and my coworkers and boss think Im being dramatic. If your glands are clogged these can help clear that up and hopefully help your dry eyes. Pretty disconcerting if you ask me. And when I turn off the lights at night my vision goes dark for about 30 seconds, then it picks up on the light coming from the window. Pain and discomfort are the most common side effects associated with PRK surgery. When the epithelium is missing from the cornea, you have a very giant scratch. I had always thought I would have it done if I ever won the lottery but your honesty has saved my potential winnings!! It has been 17 days since my surgery and driving is miserable. I expect my photosensitivity will last for quite a while longer. I read all about it, but what surprises me about eye clinics that sell refractive surgeries is that they do not disclose the after effects. Ive tried wearing glasses for it and they make me dizzy, so Ive settled with no glasses and not seeing clearly. After the procedure, your eyes will be treated with a sponge containing mitomycin-C (MMC). What Happens If You Cry After Laser Eye Surgery? Its important to follow your eye doctors best practices post surgery and to pay attention to your pain threshold. I do NOT want to go through the PRK surgery EVER again. i consulted with my doctor, he was saying it will be recover itself. I am told I am in a 2% 5% group but the more I read, the more I am discovering that percentage might be drastically understated. PRK cons. Also, pay for the best. I now think that this issue of looking in certain directions may be because of extreme dry eyes. Your vision becomes blurry. I have had the prk surgery and it was done by a close friend who is a Dr. Im writing this for anyone who is thinking about it. I had a mild prescription. I lost count at this point how many 30 minute drives I took to the office which added to my frustration. If blurry vision continues beyond that timeframe, it's time to visit your eye doctor. Medicaid: Eligibility and Vision Benefits. It was always just a little better than my current shitty, post-surgery eye sight. I got about 20/25 vision for about a year. Oh no, Im so sorry for what you had to endure. What symptom that mostly annoyed me was the dry eye syndrome where I wake up some nights due to painful dry eyes! All in all, if I could do it over again, I wouldnt. The doctor said, I should be have been recovered already & that perhaps its due to dry eyes. Ive seen two ophthalmologists several times, even with extra appointments because of my concern, but they dont seem to have any concerns. How Long Does the Flickering Last After Cataract Surgery? You know the, Its so rare, it will most likely not happen. Just like yourself, I was unaware that even 20/20 does not always mean perfect vision. My prescription has stayed the same since the second PRK surgery and my near vision is still great for a woman in her 40s. The healing was irregular. All I can say is, I know exactly how you are feeling and unfortunately the only way out is accepting this. Unfortunately, Im experiencing starburts, halos, glare, & slight double-vision at night. It is very important that the patient protects their eyes from UV light by wearing good sunglasses and do not partake in any activity that may cause damage to the eye organs. Welcome! In addition to making things blurry, higher order aberrations cause halos, starbursts, glare, and ghosting in our vision. Join the LASIK Complications Support Group on Facebook. So, just to sum up my far distance vision gor corrected, no complaints, but at what price?! Over 3-5 days, as you heal, your vision will gradual I can assure you, and so can all the other people who have commented that these issues are indeed real and not psychosomatic effects. I did not feel comfortable driving and my eyes themselves felt extremely sensitive to the touch. Did your doctor offer a 2nd PRK procedure? You might be considering the same option so I want to share my lengthy and not-so-great experience so you can make an informed decision. My left eye is 20/20, not blurry at all. I pushed for a reading prescription at my six week appointment even though I knew my vision was not stabilized. So my husband was able to watch the entire thing. There are rare instances when complications occur during or after PRK treatment. My husband has to drive me around and take me to work, and has had to sacrifice some hours at work (and money) to be able to help me. I was treated horribly by the surgeon, and I am also now in glasses too with prism and a Rx of about -1. i dont think i could handle that feeling for more than a week. You may be a great candidate for a cornea transplant that may restore your vision to 20/20. that it will heal, but that everyones recovery can be different. I know its still early but Im a realistic person and I have a pretty strong intuition about whats to come. Without glasses, I have double vision in the left eye. It was like having a tic tac! After the awful recovery and 6 months later my vision was substantially worse than when I started and I needed an enhancement. Five years ago, I had an acute rejection of the corneal transplant and my vision went to 20/1000. Started about 8-9 days after the surgery and has been unchanged since then. My eyes before the surgery were -6.00 and -6.50. I know I still have about 4.5 months to go but I will probably end up just getting glasses at the end if the vision doesnt stabilize in the future mostly due to how awful and painful the procedure was. 11/13/2012. This will help to promote a complete and fast healing process. I had expected that during the 6 month period, my eyesight would be somewhere between preop without glasses and 20/20. I reached out to the eye center and they would not give me any of my money back and told me if my eyes get any worse to come back in to see if I am a candidate for a second enhancement. I had never put the onions burning my eyes like fire with the surgery. Hey, Im 10 months post PRK and i have severe dry eyes. Hi Ariel, how are you going now ? Ive had to pay out of pocket to see a corneal specialist, have expensive treatments, and I spend over $350/month for eye drops and supplements. I had lasik first about 7 years ago and they were never able to get me to 20/20. PRK approaches things differently and directly removes that epithelium layer - avoiding the need to create a flap within the cornea. PRK is used to correct nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia) and astigmatism. I had been very excited for Lasik for many years while I saved up for the surgery and especially excited for the months prior to the surgery, once the appointment was made and it was becoming a reality. But i am getting epitheal erossions. Retinal image quality and visual function stability were assessed preoperatively, one and three months after myopic laser in situ keratomileuses (LASIK) and photorefractive keratectomy (PRK . This outcome is clinically significant in cases of decentration from the visual axis that is greater than 0.5 mm. Higher order aberrations have a more irregular and uneven shape and can't easily be corrected with lenses. This should be read by anybody who is considering this procedure. Following your doctors instructions and suggestions during recovery from PRK surgery is of utmost importance. And then had to wait about an hour to be taken back which is when I started feeling a little nervous. Your vision may be blurry or foggy for a few days after surgery, which is normal and should clear up within a few days. some people make me laugh, i myself am still stuck between snatching myself SBK Lasik or ASA PRK. By month 1, vision has sharpened up significantly but it isnt until month 3 that vision no longer becomes blurry. Eye surgery offers many solutions for correcting refractive errors, such as myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness) and astigmatism. Type 2 (late-onset corneal haze) occurs after three months and persists longer than three years. There are so many of us that were blindsided (literally) without the possible complications being explained to us. But the difference was, I was driving the next day and I could see perfectly when I woke up after the first day. 2. Does it take this much time to heal. He told me there had been studies that the change in the procedure was giving better results as far as recovery time. This occurs in about 15% of patients who have cataract surgery. The doctor give me bunch of other eye drops and hopefully can help the healing process. Im not holding my breath. Who is paying for this? | Privacy Policy | Terms of use, LASEK vs LASIK A Comparison of Eye Surgeries. According to the Kellogg Eye Center, PCO occurs in about 20% of patients. When I complained, the Doctor also told me it was the healing process and everything will right itself once healing is done. I wear sunglasses outside but I see better with more light. Not only that, even in the dark it is uncomfortable to look straight forward or upward. 1st day It was so blurry and painful and it continued for a week, but after 2 weeks pin subsided and I can see clearly. Then I was told I needed another enhancement. So, with that, I will be a candidate to get PRK again.. Im not happy about this but it doesnt cost me anything except being out a week or 2 from work and a shitload of pain when they rub the cornea which excites me about as much as looking directly into the sun without sunglasses. I ran into some extra money and decided to take the leap again. It feels like I have a sunburn on my right eye and I can not see anywhere near as good as I could have with my glasses. My left eye is not 20/10 and I have glare issues with both eyes in low light. Hello guys, Im having my PRK scheduled in three days. Ive had a very similar experience and after 6 months of my first PRK, Ive just underwent a second PRK plus PTK few days ago in my right eye. Patients often choose these procedures to enhance their quality of life; however, sometimes the treatments may cause blurry vision commonly referred to as ghosting. One thing is for sure, they have clearly been changed forever in every way. I mean after all that was the purpose of it. This will lead to an increased amount of symptoms such as glare and the ghosting of images as well as an increased difficulty with lower contrast details. Please keep us posted so many stories out there. Vision can become blurry or fluctuate when the eye dries out. Pretty upset. Im glad you posted your experience. I really hope my eyes dont continue to get worse again. I have to wear goggle glasses to go outside, or ride in the car with the air/heat on. I hadnt seen anyone else having the issues of looking in certain directions. Why is this? Then a cornea transplant because I had damaged my cornea. Vision stays blurry, and isn't even as clear as days 9-10 waking up. With PRK, your vision as you sit up from surgery is actually better than if you had LASIK. Even though the procedure has an excellent safety profile, PRK surgery does entail a certain amount of risk. The cost for both procedures is relatively the same and can range anywhere from $1,500 $3,000 per eye depending on your prescription and whether or not you have astigmatism or not. It is the biggest regret of my life. Blurry image in morning. Once that surface heals over, vision steadily improves. One feared issue with PRK is the development of haze. Hopefully things stay at this rate for the rest of my recovery period, but we shall see. But there's more that blurs vision. See a corneal specialist. And after some research and figuring out the right date for me before our mega three month trip to Spain and Portugal, I was ready. I am young but I feel like an old grandma because I cant see anything . I remember how happy I was waling up and seeing my alarmclock. More functional vision, but there is still more vision recovery to come. That extra glare and ghosting at the 1 month? You are so right. I had originally driven there from Cape Town (about a 350 mile drive) to get LASIK as they said Id have no issues driving home the next day (testimonies from friends as well confirming this), but about 15 minutes before the procedure, they said that PRK was far safer for me to get because of the shape of my astigmatisms, so I consented and stayed a few more days in the area. I received a (hopefully) temporary prescription for farsightedness back on November 5th from the eye surgeons office. I waited a LONG time and finally feel like my eyes stabilized. Thank you so much for sharing your story with me and my readers. If youre experiencing a medical issue, please contact a healthcare professional or dial 911 immediately. See the Disclaimer and Terms of Use for more information. at this point, I think I need to cut ties and continue to see my regular eye doctor and not the one at the lasik center. The cost of my procedure was $4500 even. If you had thin corneas to start you should have been recommended PRK as it is safer for thin corneas. I am passionate about eye health and love sharing everything I learn about it. Sounds like a great outcome, doesnt it? This is VITAL to your recovery. I did not tell them about my history until after the consultation. After the surgery, I went to another eye physician for a consultation, and he told me, that small numbers (around 1) ARE A GIFT! In the last few months ut is become do bad at night such that i cant open my eyes. Have you ever sued your eye doctor? The pair I picked out at the eye doctor were $440 so I couldnt believe the price difference. There was a steroid drop, numbing drop, antibiotic drop, and artificial tears. When we use glasses and surgery to correct vision, we correct two prescription measurements: sphere (how nearsighted you are) and astigmatism (how much your cornea resembles a cylinder or football). I had LASIK in 2006 and have had no problems whatsoever. Please see pic for most recent post-op note and topo scans. Astigmatism causes multiple focal points and may create a blurry appearance afterward. I had two friends and they went to different doctors and theirs were the same. This procedure is one of the best ways to correct visual impairment and is quickly becoming popular around the world. Doing so will guarantee that your eyes heal properly and you can see clearly without any complications. Reading prescription at my six week appointment even though the procedure was giving better results as far recovery. Stabilize after a PRK treatment this should be have been recommended PRK as it is safer thin... 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