I believe marriage is an institution of the church, not the state. Attempting to prevent crime usually involves violating peoples rights in some manner. no, government incentives are simply political favors paid by taxpayers. But in order to have an impact they must get into the hands of voters. The Right to Life is premised on being created, not on a heartbeat or some conception of personhood, and can only be conferred from a higher power. I believe the government has no legitimate right to define or to regulate marriage. Visit Diocese of Colorado Springs Website, WATCH: Colorado Catholic Conference Statement on Dobbs v. Jackson Womens Health. The codification of RHEA effectively ends any Right to Life. By removing all government involvement, I believe that we who believe in the God-given sanctity of human life will be better able to do our best to naturally reduce the number of abortions happening at any stage of pregnancy. Because Together, We Win!. Please check back frequently for periodicupdates as they become readily available. June 28 - Primary election day.The polls open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. We hope that you find this guide informative and useful. Ensuring thriving wages and safe conditions that promote a good quality of life for working people is of the utmost importance. 3. He is also currently the pastor at St. Joseph parish in Denver. Moreover, I will give no sort of medicine to any pregnant woman, with a view to destroy the child. In conjunction with securing the Right to Life of the pre(& post)-born human, the government has an obligation to the mother in ensuring appropriate obligations are held against the father, and severe deterrent punishments against those committing rape or incest. And thats saying something. He knew Jesus as his lord and savior. This is another area where minimum wage laws prevent those trying to return with the ability to access the first rung of the ladder to success. Pray about the coming elections. I believe that the government should not prevent willing people from working and should provide a clear pathway to citizenship. Bishop Golka says that he greatly enjoys the pastoral ministry which is provided in a parish setting. The listed values are supported by the Colorado bishops. This is why I ask for your faith and support as we endeavor in our pursuit of the greatest Colorado yet Pray for Pueblo, Pray for Colorado and may God continue his many blessings of our great nation! As a libertarian, I believe that ALL investment in our energy sector should be private investments, thoughtfully incentivized. Voter Guides, County Voters Guide. Forcing providers to act outside of their conscience will result in fewer medical providers, and those remaining providers being those willing to act without conscience. Until greater attention is truly given to determining why people are committing crimes, then the focus of rehabilitation is moot. I am all about hand ups, not handouts. The Idea of environmentally friendly policy is not the goal of these radicals. The government should have no role in the matter. Most of these crimes would easily be deterred if our cities increased the number of their police officers so they could enforce the law. Educational expenses should also be counted as tax credits through 85% of the per-pupil State expenditure. The state must work towards a win-win-win solution that takes all sides into account. Aside from public health and safety, basic human needs are not a function of government. We especially thrive in municipal and county elections when there is very little known about many of the candidates because they have never run for office before, or have received very little press coverage. So I volunteered with Church Voter Guides. Since a massive override of the public school system is emerging, Ill say Yes, As-Is. I think everyone can agree that late term abortions should only be allowed if the life of the mother is in question. My Democrat competitor is the face of abortion in this state and arguably in this country. And legal pathways to citizenship are needed. The prevalence of digital media makes Colorado Revised Statute 18-7-502 difficult to enforce. Read the party platforms here: Republican Party and Democratic Party We would be living under tyrannical government. I am deeply interested to hear the perspective of your organization. We prepared a state legislative candidate survey for the Catholic church in Colorado based on the hierarchy of values. It is not the role of government to intervene. In-person early voting starts Oct. 24 and runs to Nov. 8 (except Oct. 29-30 and Nov. 6). Help us share the Voter Guide through your ministry. Click Here Go to http://GoVoteColorado.gov to check the status of your ballot. As Senator, I will ensure these unelected political bullies are held to account with the highest degree of transparency. I would need to know more about this hypothetical bill to confidently answer the question. We are facing a horrendous assault on the Family we face equally horrid attacks on individual responsibility and the right to maintain our blood-bought heritage of religious and other defining liberties. Although some words are painful and frustrating, religious and personal freedom is only achieved when we allow all people to speak freely without intimidation and censorship. Work is as much about personal dignity as it is about earning money. Obamacare wasnt enough. There is one private Catholic high school in the diocese that currently serves approximately 254 students, while an additional 1,325 students receive instruction through five parish-based elementary schools. Led by Jay Sekulow, ACLJ Chief Counsel, the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) focuses on constitutional and human rights law worldwide. I will commit to restoring the parents bill of rights, make any possession of fentanyl, heroin, etc a felony, and repeal this extreme abortion bill. He speaks Spanish, English and Italian, and reads French, and is the author of various theological publications. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. We should have strong incentives t believe charitable organizations are better suited to provide services than the government. From 2002 to 2008, he was pastor of four rural parishes: St. Mary in Henrietta, St. Jerome in Bowie, St. William in Montague and St. Joseph in Nocona. They also include economic and fiscal issues including the estate tax, "Cap and Trade Energy Taxes," and the . No one should benefit from the treating only certain people when their compensation comes from the taxes of all. Pornography should not be made available through public schools. I stand for my Father in Heaven and the mercy He has bestowed on our State. He has served the diocese in various capacities including Director of Ongoing Formation of Clergy, Chair of the Personnel Board, member of the Diocesan Finance Council, the Presbyteral Council, and as a member of the Diocesan College of Consultors. This helps you to make an informed decision when voting based on the candidates for office and state legislative issues that impact our Judeo-Christian beliefs. As your State Representative Ill support legislation that focuses on smaller government and much less regulations. I am an active member of the Catholic Church and I support the key social teachings of the church as embodied by the key encyclicals such as Humani Generis, Humanum Genus, and Pasendi Dominici Gegis. Ultimately speech is the foundation of thought, and free speech is the basis for addressing and solving problems, which by their very nature involve an offense of some sort. They should vote for me Bc I will represent their individual interest and bring their voices to the floor. With carefully crafted legislation, we can protect our children while allowing for adults to make those choices for themselves. If such service providers can benefit from moving to Colorado, they will. I believe in a Hand up not a Hand out. In fact, the Kingdom of God is a government, and how better to bring it to earth than by impacting civil government, especially on the local level? of Independence, etc). `Static.COOKIE_BANNER_CAPABLE = true; these are personal issues between private citizens. Immigration, per se, is a federal issue. We should stick to that. Pornography is satans weapon of mass destruction, I believe the law should encourage pathways to citizenships and legal work, but I believe it is the church and private entities that should support welfare, Colorados energy policy should encourage private investment and competition and focus on sustainable solutions, Yes. Church Voter Guides | Pastor Steve Holt Voter Registration & Ballot Info Help Produce a Voter Guide for YOUR County For Pastors and Ministry Leaders Watch: El Paso County Candidate Forums Now That You're HerePlease Share Our Website With Others: www.ChurchVoterGuides.org Use Email, Text, Social Media, Carrier Pigeon, or even a Flash Mob. Bishop Golka has worked with national consultants to better help parishes develop stewardship as a way of life. I believe in the sanctity of life at all stages. You are free individuals who have a right to practice without government intervention. Should the Colorado legislature restrict the freedom of individuals and institutions to think, speak, work, and act according to their well-founded beliefs? In any case, if the Colorado legislature tried to restrict the first amendment, it would be eventually overturned by the US Supreme Court (if it is actually functioning properly). I am a very pro-life libertarian, which means I do not support government involvement in issues of life. From 2007-2014, Father Rodriguez served as vice-rector of St. John Vianney Theological Seminary in Denver. He was appointed Coadjutor Bishop of Fargo on June 12, 2001, and his Episcopal Ordination Mass was celebrated at St. Marys Cathedral in Fargo on August 24, 2001. As a reward, Peters now faces seven felony charges connected to the stunt. encourage people to enter the workforce. We're at a pivotal moment in our fight to secure our climate future, promote environmental justice, and conserve public lands and water. However, pornography sites are notorious for human trafficking, pedophilia, etc. Focus on the Family (FOTF, or FotF) is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization with an evangelical focus. Mail ballots will be sent to all registered Colorado voters beginning Oct. 8, and can be returned through the mail or via ballot drop boxes. I will always stand up for your religious freedom. He graduated from Creighton University in 1989 with degrees in Philosophy and Theology. God-given) right to immigrate to create a better situation for themselves and their families. I am a devout Catholic and will follow the teachings of the Catholic Church in developing policy. I support all legal immigrantion and pathways to citizenship. In this Voting Guide, you will find: Best Conservative candidate for Colorado Governor. Before the Great Society, safety nets were largely provided by the local community and local churches, which provided for immediate well-being and naturally incentivized and encouraged seeking productive work situations. Regulation of marriage, if any, should be left to individuals and their church, if any. What is actually needed is to prevent legislation requiring the violation of conscience, instead of a specific governmental permission to adhere to it. A Man's Guide to Standing for Life . I am a pro-life fiscal conservative that believes in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. A voter must be a citizen of the United States who has lived in Colorado at least 22 days prior to Election Day. Why should Colorado Catholics vote for you to represent them in the state legislature? See the state's election calendar for more details and deadlines. Prison reform is also required to effectively rehabilitate rathher than simply warehouse convicted inmates. John 18:21 And if that ruffles non-Believers, I dont give a sh*t. :), I believe in good ol fashioned values that honor God and our families. He earned a Bachelor of Music in Piano Performance from the University of Colorado, Boulder in 1973 and a Master of Music from Eastern New Mexico University in Portales in 1975. 5 years ago? Adult restrictions need to be done by the adult in prayer with God if they are tempted. We must put people first. Will you please give a generous gift to put more Christian candidates in office all across the country. Best Conservative candidate for Colorado Attorney General. Should the Reproductive Health Equity Act (RHEA), which allows for elective abortion during all 40-weeks of pregnancy, be overturned? Healthcare is a basic and non-negotiable human need, and should be protected as a right. If we allow this to become law, then all of our freedoms will be gone forever. Rehabilitation of criminals should always be a goal. Why does government arrogate unto itself the power to take whatever it deems necessary from the people who create wealth to give it to others who do little to make others better off? I want to work with faith leaders to restore the position of influence that our churches should have in our communities. As Individuals we are responsible for decisions we make and the consequences of those decisions. We can look work towards incorporating alternatives but we must also continue to use oil, gas, and coal. I hope that agreement can be reached across the aisle on this. I believe it is my responsibility to listen to as many voters s reach out to me and follow that guidance. The 2 party system has given us the Colorado we have today; and families are scared! Pro-choice people have to deny all good common sense to reason that a child is not human in the womb. Medical care could be more effectively obtained if self-pay was allowed at Medicare rates which are typically 20-25% of billed amounts. Were nonpartisan and therefore 501c3 compliant, so its easy and safe for churches and other 501c3 organizations to share us with their members. Even that speech which may make your blood boil. If the current administration would allow our oil and gas production, we would not have an energy crisis. I believe that God has called me to be one of these men. This persecution of persons of faith needs to stop. This is difficult to accurately answer without a little unpacking. I was thrilled with the results of the school board election. We're nonpartisan and therefore "501c3 compliant", so it's easy and safe for churches and other 501c3 organizations to share us with their members. Archbishop Aquilas episcopal motto comes from the Blessed Virgin Marys instructions at Cana: Do whatever he tells you (Jn 2:5)., "As Catholics, we have a moral duty to vote with an informed conscience, and to pray for wisdom and guidance as we head to the voting booth. Please Pray and Vote. Our Call to Faithfulness: The Voice and Legacy of Don Wildmon $ 10 Dangerous Affirmation: The Threat of "Gay Christianity" by M.D. I oppose the polices of shutting down our energy sector for the pollical agenda of the radial environmental advocates who has created policies that in-turn created the so-called energy crises. I also believe that school choice is a fundamental parental right where education funding should follow the child regardless of system. I was raised Roman Catholic and believe that Jesus would agree Never let your perceived beliefs keep you from extending compassion on your charges It is not ours to judge. In 2010, he became the Moderator of the Curia for the Diocese under Bishop Vann and also served as administrator of Holy Name of Jesus parish. The government should have no say. Our abuse of the world that gives us life has led to a situation where human life may become untenable in only a few decades if we dont change our ways. I am a life long, imperfect Catholic who fully understands the traditional values of the Roman Catholic church. This idea is already in practice across the nation, with very little success, recidivism rates are 80% or higher. I want to take reasonable steps to protect the environment, which is important to our Colorado way of life, but also to our tourism and agriculture economy. I do agree rehabilitation and prevention are important components in criminal justice reform. Family Research Council February 28, 2023 Andrew Bailey, Jennifer Bauwens, Lisa McClain, Jim Roguski Broadcast Archive . Should health-care legislation be patient-centered and protect the conscience rights of medical providers? I support an all-of-the-above energy policy. Best Conservative candidate for Colorado Congressional District's 1-8 REPUBLICAN "Proud to be the party that protects human life and offers real solutions for women" and "strongly oppose[s] infanticide." Supports the following: the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act; a human life constitutional amendment; a ban on abortion at 20 weeks, when unborn babies can feel pain; a ban on abortion based on sex or disability; a ban on dismemberment . Who controls the purse strings controls the outcome; 539 programs return that control to parents. And I will uphold the constitution without reservations. Absolutely. We must ask whether the life of a child is as important as his mothers convenience. We must not empower the professional or generational or lifetime welfare recipient. For minors only. Id like to thank you for your thoughtful questions. We hope voters will use this guide to educate themselves on initiatives appearing on the ballot, as well as the powers that various elected officials have to protect and extend civil rights and civil liberties. I believe all people have the natural (i.e. I believe in good ol fashioned values that honor God and our families. He was the dean of the Theology Department of the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum in Rome (1994-1997). to help voters throughout Colorado understand their ballots and helpful information about how to vote. No we should not make this process convenient. Civil discourse should be encouraged so that differences can be resolved in the marketplace of ideas, not through the coercion of State. My primary concern is that accounts of this kind are tax-advantaged, and we already have a growing problem with public funds being diverted to religious education, and I greatly value protecting separation of church and state to safeguard everyones religious freedom. Our current legislatures have wasted our tax dollars on failing programs and senseless research. Garbage legislation like this MUST BE REPEALED! I believe that most Coloradans and Americans want this country to honor God. As much as I believe in the Separation of Church and State to prevent religious dictatorships, my fellow Believers in the Resurrection should know that with me in the Seat of HD42, I am a man of God prays before, during and after every Session. Environmentally friendly must be extracted from ideologically constrained. The best way to lower the cost of energy is to stop preventing the extraction of natural gas and declassify CO2 as a pollutant, since it is literally the building block of plant growth. Write by: Please print the Pro-Life Voter Guide and share with your family, friends, and neighbors. In most cases our courts have overturned these attempts, but this battle must end. This should be a private discussion between patient and Doctor, the Government has no business in this decision. Affordable, clean, and abundant energy enables everything in modern life and has lifted billions out of poverty. Supreme Court Preempted states on this issue. The Denver Post voter guide rounds up our explainers, stories, candidate Q&As and endorsements for the 2022 election. I spent 22 years in the US Army dedicated to protecting those rights from foreign foes. or CLICK HERE first if youd like more specific information about how your donation, will be utilized for our national rollout and/or to donate by Check or ACH Transfer. Election Day share with your family, friends, and reads French and! Per-Pupil state expenditure Denver Post Voter Guide through your ministry consequences of those.... A Man & # x27 ; s election calendar for more details and deadlines between private.. Pro-Choice people have to deny all good common sense to reason that a child as. Our children while allowing for adults to make those choices for themselves and their church, if,! And gas production, we would be living under tyrannical government agree and! Important as his mothers convenience benefit from moving to Colorado, they will everything in modern life has. 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