I would certainly order food grade if need be, but in the meantime the fleas have to be dealt with. in the floors as it can usually get in there and kill more then just fleas. We inherited a 4 month old kitty when the idiot neighbor moved and left it outside. I vacuumed everything last night and brought my large dehumidifier up and had that running all night. However, just keep an eye on the situation around the house, use my custom flea trap to check for them. Any brush with stiff bristles . Thank you. I am not even sure of our vacuum will pick up the DE. Oh, I also touched the moist tissue to the nose just to moisten em up a bit. The outer skeletons of diatoms are made of silicon dioxide, a chemical compound most commonly known as silica. It was very informative even though Ive been researching DE for a few weeks. You can use it outside but it looses effectiveness if it gets wet so yeah. Hi Pam! I hope you dont mind if I offer some answers/suggestions/info for some of the previous posters questions: 1) DE goes a long way. It can be mixed with water in order to be sprayed into the environment. Hi Matthew, not if you dont have pets/kids/etc. Food grade of course. (She was sleeping on my bedroom floor at the start of the outbreak. Should I or should I not treat my dog with the powder? We have two cats and two dogs. I recommend DE over boric acid, as it is easily acquired and cheap. just wondering where should i apply it ? I moved him to our basement as theres no furniture nor carpet. They roll around and get the DE on their coats. I dont have carpet, but I have dusted the house quite well. Good question! I definitly have a ton of work to do yet but finally I see the light at the end of the tunnel. Also, I think it is a good idea to brush the coat of your pet so the DE doesnt get too thick in the fur. Let me know if you come right, if not, I will help you further. Although I personally dont suggest you use DE as the primary method of killing fleas on your adult pets, it wont do any harm to them (besides the skin getting a little dry) and many of my readers have reported success in doing so. Above-ground injury is characterized by shot-holing in the leaves of the host. Hi Terri, thanks for your wonderful feedback, I really appreciate it. Hi! De fleas..De worms..my pets have never looked so fresh and healthy. 3 pounds for just under $16 and free 2-day shipping. And lastly, whats the procedure for putting DE on cats? I dont know if anyone else has mentioned this but dont try the Red Lakes food grade DE found it at local farm store, it caused my flea problem to get even worse, 10x worse!! Going to dust my couch and their bedding. Another thing to keep in mind is that DE only kills adult fleas. These pets are allergic to flea saliva, which Hanna says causes extreme itchiness and secondary infections. Hey Michael! I am very glad that my blog has been useful to you, really makes writing these guides worthwhile when I hear that people are appreciating them If you need any further help, let me know and I will make some time for you. I caution about using a vacuum every day to vacuum up DE because mine was badly damaged (heavy duty shop vac) and the wall outlet turned back. Great Question, Thanks for asking! This has worked very well up until this year. Hi Allison, yes, I recommend that you treat your pet at the same time, either before or afterwards. I live in Malta (near sicily Diatom is not easy to find. Im ready to give this a try, do I have to leave with my pups (they are 15 and 18 lbs) or can I put the DE down and we stay home???? No problem, your wish is my command. Hi Cathy! I really want to know if it is safe to feed my dogs the diatomaceous. There are numerous species, and their colors vary widely depending on the region where they are found. As for smaller pets (like young kittens, puppies, rabbits, hamsters, etc. Pleasure, have a good one and thanks for stopping by to read my blog , This article has definitely been one of the best Ive read in all my research. How long should I leave it on them before I bath them or just leave it on them. If it says food grade then yes, it is safe. As for keeping them away, if you have succeeded in killing the current infestation, and you dont bring anymore into your home, you shouldnt have a problem again. I am glad that DE has helped you and thanks for sharing those tips. The places I need to apply it I would be walking over it all day and night. Yes, nematodes and diatomaceous earth can be used together as a pest control strategy against common pests. I put de all over carpet basement and left it there now for 5 days. They never go outdoors, but since moving to New Orleans, they have picked up fleas. . Also, I live in 80-90% humidity right now so dry climates for preventing a sticky mess are impossible. Based on previous experience, I think it is OK to massage into the coat initially (avoiding the face), then toweling off the excess. Hello, I read a post up above not to use the Safer brand of DE.. however, I have already put it down in a few areas, mostly room perimeter and a window seat where the dog hangs out. She appears to be scratching less and I noticed that the small bugs, ants, etc. You can look up what foods/plants are hazardous for dogs to get a complete list. Was a mission to clean it up, but honestly was SO worth it. Im not sure which is the cause but my little friend is in bad shape. We have used borax in the past but it doesnt come up well with a rug doctor. LOVE THIS STUFF its a life saver. Im off to try and find your article about flea solutions for cats! Cant be too careful when it comes to our lungs. I know i have owned dogs and cats all my life and never used this for flea control. I just put down de for fleas. Although I dont have an infestation per se, what would you suggest to get rid of what ever is here before it turns into a problem. I just used DE on my carpets which were infested with fleas. All are bad at bathingwhen I try, I get scratched, bit, crying, and its exhausting. I intend to get some and use it in my pets beds and in my yard. Hi Dave! I am a little confused about when to vacuum up the food grade DE. I found that clearing their tear duct (just the area at the inner corner outside the eye) with a damp tissue brings them some welcome relief. It is also much more expensive than buying in bulk on Amazon. She is frantic about how to clean it all up. My husband and I took in a 5 1/2 week old kitten last Saturday and immediately took her for her first vet appointment. He (the stray cat Boo) weighs 9 lbs. The cat with frontline has the fleas. Also, once I dust the house and carpets, how long should I wait to go back into the house without fleas jumping on my legs. Our content and products are for informational purposes only. Although diatomaceous earth is nontoxic to humans . You might try that if you have one. I sprayed, threw away and old chair that likely could harbor issues (cats favorite place) and my older son and I put DE all around the edges and covered the couch inside and out with DE (light coating). Theres a vet in my area who uses a cedar spray to treat infested petspoor cat looks like she stuck her paw in a socket afterwards but it works, as long as your home is not infested and shell pick then back up. While I havnt had a problem with my bird, DE is rather dusty and it if you dont apply it carefully, it could puff up and that wont be good for your feathered friend. Your article was very informative! That sounds perfect, let me know how it goes and make sure that you apply it slowly otherwise it can make a bit of a mess , How do I know if its the food grade DE? This is ground remains of a freshwater algae called Diatoms. Both can be purchased at the Natural Garden or Barton Springs Nursery in and around Austin as well as on many online sources. Any tips, am on on course or do you think there is a problem? Hi Natasha, I came across this site a few months ago when I was looking for a solution for the fleas that were in my home. Because of this, flea populations can get out of hand even with the application of diatomaceous earth.. On 7/16/2013 you commented to someone that they could use the nematodes and DE at the same time and then in this comment you say not to use them together so which is correct? now i am thinking to put food grade DE ! I am glad to hear that you have had such good results and thank you for your kind words. This is a very good and very factual article on DE. Since using the diatomaceous earth also known as d.e., they never had a bed bug problem again. Could I put some DE in bag with bedspread, shake it around, let it set for day or two, then wash in warm water and warm dryer. Pretty gross. I use a Shop vac to suck the clogged filters. Hi Kathy, it probably will be fine, just keep an eye on him. My dog is scheduled for neutering in November and I really would like the bugs to be gone by then. Thanks for stopping by and for leaving a comment! Adults find a healthy host and begin chowing down after a long winters nap. It also is said to contain vital minerals that help both. Its rather overwhelming. I havent sprinkled it onto my area rug but I did around the bed and wall door crevices. Many thanks! would it be advisable to use the product on dogs that have raw skin due to either fleas, mites, dog lice, or sarcoptic mange ? Its effectiveness varies depending on the environment its used in. Hope that helps. My house, however, is not. I dont know how or when they got so bad but, my home was infested. I was wondering, would I be able to use the diatomaceous earth alongside the K-Othrine? Hi Carlos! I ended up sprinkling the floor with borax and leaving it over night then doing what you said and have been flea free since! Beautiful pup w/papers etc but the owners never bothered to keep up on his care. Leave it down for a couple days before removing it , Ok Im confused. I have an article on this blog about it, find it under the fleas category and tell me what you think. I have a bad flea problem in my basement where I let some cats stay in there for the winter. We live in Florida and we do get freezing days a few times but that is over a year away. I dont usually recommend DE for dogs, its mainly for areas inside your house. I just like to share that DE is a natural and good way to get rid if fleas. Going to try the food grade DE in the yard but I have a question: Will it hurt snakes? Yes, you dont need to keep washing them to kill fleas if you have DE in place, just make sure its food grade. Thanks for all your help already. Just made sure its food grade please. Ok, enough chit-chat. After sweeping it up, I am still going to have a powder residue. Provided its not wet, DE can last for ages so you should be fine. Thanks for your questions . Make sure you use a shopvac or something like that to suck it up, and leave it down for a couple days before you do it. But how shouldnt apply it then on the headboard since its an upholstered one? First of all, I recommend that you wash all your bedding and once its dry, place DE under your sheets and on your carpets. Hi Natasha, what happens to fleas in colder weather? I recommend keeping her off the ground for a day while you leave it on the floor and vacuum it up at night. Hi Heather, thanks for your comment. On skin, it can cause irritation and dryness. However, the websites did not mention how to deal with books, notes, Cds, Dvds, computer, printer, drawers, air conditioner, and other items in a home infested with fleas. Hey Stacy! However, the house itself is still completely infested. Unlike the Nematodes, this is most effective when left dry for a bit.. It even develops collagen in some folks faces. So my two kittens are now in our basement until we can figure something else out.we may just have to bomb the place :-/ I have seen soooo many flees on them but Ive read original dawn is great for killing the fleas on the animals, it did but then we quickly realized ourhome is infested because they keep infesting our kittys. Fleas sometimes dont bite certain people, might have some thing to do with their skin. Im suprised we never had a problem before now. While the cats are doing much better (only 1 a day), and I think the house is doing better, I continue to catch fleas in my boys room. All clean laundry is in plastic bags in my room because so far I have had no problem there but I did put salt and de 3 ft into my doorway for now while I get the rest of the apt. Used properly, DE is effective as a preventive immediately; with a flea infestation it takes about a month after you dust with DE then vacuum. For about a year now I have been using this Earth I place 1/2 tsp on their breakfast every morning. And I would love some advice on how to help my baby boy. You can often avoid an infestation altogether with some cultural controls. Can I use it around my 2.5 month old puppy. Will this one still work just a good as the food grade? I wonder if I have to throw away a lot of stuffs. I found food grade DE at our health food/vitamin store. Is there a brand that you can direct me to? Biological controls include the use of beneficial nematodes and predatory insects. I camo up and photograph game animals in the wild. After 2 treatments I havent seen any fleas and thought they were completely gone, until today. The DE can be (and should be) left down for a couple days. This means that DE is great for places like your carpets, floorboards, etc. Carpet, bedding, dogs. i am confusedif DE kills fleas why would I use the chemical based products like Frontline? Which is questionable. Sprayed the dogs before we started & it kept the ticks off. I am battling a second flea infestation problem, I used boric acid, salt and baking soda mixture, and DE when if finally arrived.I used those products around the house and carpets the first time leaving the last treatment on the floor and carpets for 72 hours. I have the Red Lake brand. This will avoid getting the DE into the air. Also the fleas are heading towards parts of the dog where I have to be careful putting the powder. The one room I saw fleas and flea dirt though the fleas were dead, the other childs room we just found flea dirt where the cat laid in one spot. I dont but just get an empty icecream tub, punch holes in the top and use it like a salt shaker to distribute the DE. And, while fleas arent technically supposed to take up residence on people, the ones we have seem perfectly content in my daughters thick locks. Very itchy buggers on people and pets driving us all nuts, so I tried DE on my itchy self and it worked immediately! Im weak and ripe for the eating!. I tried to figure out why and then read somewhere else( I dont recall where) but that the calcium bentonite in that particular brand makes this DE worthless to use against fleas. Yes, provided its food grade and you vacuum it up (otherwise it can be a bit dehydrating to her body), that will be fine. Hi and thanks for all your helpful information. My parents brought home a puppy and the poor thing is infested with fleas. Im really sorry now that i did that. Hi Melanie! store to pic up some DE for me there web site said call to see if they had it in stock so i did so when my wife got home she had a 40 pound bag of RED LAKE EARTH DIATOMACEOUS EARTH AND CALCIUM BENTONITE, 40 LB.instead and that is all they have I looked up reviews on the stuff and people seem to happy with it both feeding it and just using it by putting on the skin so I thought I would try it just not sure of the % of clay to DE and how well it will work was wondering if anyone has ever tryed using this product instead of just general reviews on a website thank you for your time. Just Bought DE with a duster and gave the house a thorough puffing. Once I got it home I read a warning about pets and I realized it was not food grade. Just a very small amount! Hi Deb, excellent! When I inspected my bed closer I could see a lot of flea larvae wriggling on my bed, along with tons of flea dirt and eggs, it was absolutely disgusting! Leave it on for a day or two and then vacuum up. Good luck! Ive just put it on the stair carpets and upstairs carpets but I think I might have used a bit too much, will that affect its ability to kill fleas? 21 Comments. On skin, it can cause irritation and dryness. Anyway, we have a 10,000 sq ft warehouse and a pit bull that stays here, she and the shop is infested with fleas. Appreciate this website for answering all my questions about DE. Thanks for your kind words, they are really appreciated Those homemade traps that you made, did you use my guide from this blog? Ive been rescuing/ rehoming cats for 15 years. Use a soap and warm water solution and wash down the bathroom (mops, cloths, etc. My kids would tell me he was in their rooms sleeping. Thanks for your help. These eggs will hatch in approximately 10 days, hatching out into small whitish larvae measuring between 1/8 and 1/4 inch long, with dark heads and tiny legs behind. Also can you recommend a way of spreading it lightly without using a duster? Honestly, I have never used anything except the white one. After fleas come into contact with it, it should take about 4-6 hours before they die. We had a few weeks of constant cleaning, dusting, vacuuming, and washing laundry before we got back to normal. The DE was the only thing I felt safe using around my family and pets. Hope that helps! They are brother & sister, but while she is tiny (and oh, so lively and affectionate) he is about 16lbs, and very nervous. Hey Colleen! Hi Dan. Any suggestions to rid of these fleas would be appreciated. Thank you so much for the info, I just applied the DE to my dogs and cat, and already, they are not scratching or chewing much at all. I personally used it on my rabbits and in their litter box and on my dog. Fleas are fairly resilient and although they are less active during colder weather, it wont kill them in most situations. 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