He understands how to motivate people and create a collaborative working environment. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed on this website are those of the writers or the people they quoted and not necessarily those of Leaderonomics. When a leader exhibits these qualities, it creates a sense of trust and authenticity in followers. It certainly wouldn't be that way without Musk's unblinking focus at the forefront. Mission statements provide a sense of focus and direction among employees. 15 Sunny Bonnell, Every Entrepreneur Can Learn From These 5 Leadership Traits of Elon Musk. Entrepreneur. April 21, 2017. accessed November 23, 2017. https://hbr.org/2016/10/like-it-or-notyou-are-always-leading-by-example?referral=03758&cm_vc=rr_item_page.top_right. Leading From Front. Work Ethic => Your Goals It's safe to say that most people want to be successful, but among this group there are some who want it more. Or Elon Musk announcing his company's latest innovation in automobile production. He began building up shares in the company in January 2022 and his US$44 billion (36 billion) bid to buy the platform was accepted in April. In this segment we're looking at Elon Musk, the creator of brands such as PayPal, SpaceX, and Tesla. The couple had five more sons through IVF; twins in 2004, followed by triplets in 2006. as well as other partner offers and accept our. Musk has a preternatural ability to see past the current trends and statuses to see what could be. 3 (May/June 1992). Musk, as a leader, has the capability to create balance between who he is, the vision he has created for the world, and acknowledging the importance of the strength of his team (Cole, 2021). The Bad: While SpaceX was in full startup mode, Elon's first son, Nevada, was born. A clear indicator of his innate capacity for technology. Elon Musk is a business mogul, engineer and inventor, best known for founding and leading SpaceX (a company that aims to lower the costs of building rockets with the ultimate goal of multi-planetary colonization by humans) and Tesla Motors (a company that produces electric cars). 4. This essay will include a description of Elon's leadership qualities and a comparison to the trait theory of Leadership. Inspiring leaders set the example for their employees through consistent hard work and adherence to the companys core values.7. So what are the most important characteristics of a good leader? That 100% meant enough to him that he put himself in a possibly awkward situation, speaking with his professor, and having the hard conversation that many people shy away from. Has learned from disappointing experiences. But this small, simple detail is a defining one. He has borrowed huge sums and sold large tranches of Tesla stock to help fund the acquisition. Lifelong learning is a key component of Musks leadership style. Musk has responded that hell step down when he finds someone foolish enough to take over as CEO, saying he will run the software and server teams instead. An electric railroad. I believe Musk's ability to healthfully maintain his intensity comes because of his flow state mindset, his passion for his work, and his absolute focus. He wasn't distracted by other, tedious tasks. August 10, 2016. accessed November 23, 2017. https://www. He is a force of knowledge that is easily recognizable not only from his long history of business endeavors, but also by his connection to his followers. He is the CEO and CTO of SPACEX, CEO of tesla motors, and chairman of solar-city. He wants to die on Mars. Elon Musk has always been remembered as a transformational autocratic leader. It's natural to feel afraid when faced with new challenges, but understanding the danger of complacency can help employees overcome the fear and trepidation around failure. 3 Andrew L. Cooper, Joseph R. Huscroft, Robert E. Overstreet, and Benjamin T. Hazen. Do you have a strong belief in it? Wow, you scrolled all the way to the bottom! You see, the 2% that separated Muskfrom his current score and perfection sounded to him like a giant "no." Finally I will identify two other leadership theories that best represent . At age 15, Musk embarked on his trek to the land of opportunity with two small caveats: (1) he would have little money, and(2) he would have no home. Tesla Motors has a significant emphasis on producing environmentally friendly cars (Cole, 2021). Warren Buffett. As a teenager, the self-denoted low point of Musks manual labor career involved donning a hazmat suit to clean boilers at a lumber mill by shoveling steaming goop from the inside of a tunnel. His secret is that he taps into people's yearning for inspiration. Having cofounded and sold PayPal, he quickly moved on to launching a range of ventures with world-changing aspirations for how we generate . Being a perfectionist, he went to his professor and got them to change his score to a 100%. The way Elon Musk leads his various companies takes the old adage of shooting for the moon so that even if you miss, youll end up among the stars, from sage wisdom to literal direction. Ask yourself questions such as, How would I rate my leadership in the past 2-3months?, What could I have done better? and What can I do in future in order to perform at a higher level?. PSYCH 485 | Lesson 12: Authentic Leadership https://psu.instructure.com/courses/2137573/modules/items/32271438. Elon Musk is a terrible public speaker. Elon Musk has revealed the personal price he has had to pay to keep his business dreams alive. Through his unique life circumstances, Musk has developed the important leadership qualities of being (1) a proactive learner, (2) a hard worker, (3) a bold visionary, and (4) an unwavering optimist, which still influence his success today. Musk supervises the creation, engineering and layout of the products of the company. There has been some speculation that Musk has come under pressure from other Twitter shareholders and lenders to move on. Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates or to get a second opinion on your portfolio. The 45-year-old is best known for being the founder of X.Com which later became PayPal, one of the largest Internet payment companies. Businesses cant replicate Musks lifetime of experience in their employees. Musk is the. He also agreed that only paid subscribers should be able to vote on future Twitter policy changes. His leadership qualities are helping shape a new way of thinking about sustainable energy and renewable resources. Eventually he went on to study at Stanford and began to pursue his technology legacy (Cole, 2021). But any replacement will need to be able to steer Twitter back to calmer waters, with Musk remaining majority owner. He often gets frustrated when employees cannot follow his instructions. Vision: There is no doubt that Musk has a vision. Is New Business Creation Still Setting Records? Musk may have imagined that owning the website would be fun and make him feel powerful. May 31, 2021. accessed November 11, 2017. https://www.inc.com/larry-kim/50-innovation-amp;-successquotes-from-spacex-founder-elon-musk.html. Elon Musk. I understand that the data I am submitting will be used to provide me with the above-described products and/or services and communications in connection therewith. Purpose: To learn and understand the qualities of Elon Musk as a leader that make him so successful. 4296: 7379, September 17, 2012, 74. http://web.a.ebscohost.com.erl.lib.byu.edu/ehost/detail/ detail?vid=0&sid=df621e06-0389-45e2-b57a-8dd06f53bd48%40sessionmgr4006&bdata=Jn NpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#AN=79961724&db=buh. Learn More Every Day with This 2023 CES-Honored Knowledge App. Nations hire him to get to outer space. Rational transparency is about ones ability to express their true self to others, regardless of whether the aspects of themselves are positive or negative (Northouse, 2019). 3. He attended private schools and had a tough time as he was severely bullied by his peers. Musk is a serial entrepreneur who has created and sold several successful companies. The retail giant's tech wing also warned against sharing customer info with AI bots. How often are you distracted? His contributions in the fields of aerospace and sustainable energy (among others!) Twitter is struggling financially. Knowledge Management for Logistics Service Providers: The Role of Learning Culture.Industrial Management & Data Systems116, no. He then tried to pull out of the deal in July, before finally taking ownership in October. While he has garnered enormous respect due to his transformational leadership, he still exhibits autocratic leadership traits. If we can overcome the initial fear of being told "no" and understand that no truly means nothing, we'll be better for it. Big ideas always come from small thinking. They had six children together: all sons. Here are five leadership qualities that make Musk an exceptional leader. It's not hard to think of well-known, visionary leaders of the past few decades. Musk is not afraid of failure and sees it as an organic part of any creation process. City, University of London provides funding as a founding partner of The Conversation UK. But can we describe why Musk is the way he is? Demonstrates entrepreneurial maturity by building strategic alliances and surrounding him/herself with talented peopleindividuals, teams, the Board, and a range of advisers/allies to ensure success for all. ChatGPT vs. Bard: A Modern Day David and Goliath Story. And this leads us to a major task for any future Twitter CEO and perhaps the heart of the problem with Twitter. For example, one recent scholarly study conducted by Andrew Cooper indicates that a learning culture positively impacts organizational performance.3. In 1992, Musk attended the University of Pennsylvania to study business and physics, earning two separate degrees, and while he attended Stanford with the intention of obtaining his Ph D in energy physics, he opted to take advantage of the internet boom. Relies on trusted individuals while showing ability to be an independent thinker and take risks in the face of uncertainty. Even if your personal vision isnt as revolutionary or world-changing as Musks, its important to have a goal that motivates you to do better and inspires your team to work together. Encyclopdia Britannica. Musk is undoubtedly a visionary. Co-founder, PayPal. Skip to document. In 1989, Musk moved to Canada and began undergraduate studies at Queens University in Ontario. Tesla Motors is a maker of electric cars. He is considered a visionary business leader who is advancing technology in areas such as space exploration and sustainable energy. Musk once said, "I'd rather be optimistic and wrong, than pessimistic and right.". 3. 8th Edition. He praised Elon Musk's ambition, revealed the traits and attitudes he looks for in people, and cautioned against becoming a VC just to get rich. Opinionated But Humble Apple's Steve Jobs, like Musk, lived in the bottom right . Elon Musk has married thrice and twice to the same woman. To understand his strategic direction to build huge companies . By For better or worse, here are five things weve learned about leadership from Elon Musk. The truth is, if we are passionate - or find passion - in the work we're doing, work stops feeling like work. By any measure, Elon Musk is exceptionally successful. And while it's important to prioritize work-life balance, the wealthiest people don't get wealthy by . While the post was prestigious and offered the benefits of extreme power at the highest level, recognizing that the job no longer aligned with Musks mission for sustainability and care for the environment meant that it was diametrically opposed to his objectives. Companies that pay the price to cultivate a strong office culture will increasingly set themselves apart and experience substantial organic growth as employees step up to become effective managers and branch out the organization. It is influential and powerful. Required fields are marked *, Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. From an early age, Elon Musk learned not to be afraid of hard work. Whats remarkable about Musk is that he never lets it stop him from fighting through and progressing. Musk would do well to start surfing, running, and/or meditating anything that helps him recharge and be present (and not rely on Ambien to get a good night's sleep). Leadership: Theory and Practice. Elon Musk does not have those qualities. Superheroes emulate him. He has been criticised and abused, both online and in real life and now 57.5% of more than 17.5 million Twitter users have voted for him to stand down as its CEO. Demonstrates perseverance in the face of adversity and to overcoming obstacles. And Elon Musk had purchased this fantastical prop with the serious intention of actually making it work as depicted in the film.I was thrilled. Many leaders share the mindset to "just get it done" or accept it's good enough even when it's not. Explore the amazing adventurehe wishes to take us all upon. He really gives his all to what he does.This certainly cant be easy considering the failures his companies have faced. His predictability allows him to make these risky decisions, knowing that, in the end, it will be worth it. Stay laser focused and don't procrastinate. By age 14, he was designing rockets with paper and pencil. Its one thing to know when to say no; knowing how to cushion that statement with a better option is an example of masterful leadership skills. They have a strong sense of themselves and what they stand for (Northouse, 2019). Sometimes, as a leader, you need to step back and say no when things no longer serve your personal and organizational goals. I would have been happy with a 98%. This is arguably the first of two critical life events. Visionary Leadership Elon Musk is an example of the visionary leader. Musks innate sense of curiosity stems largely from the unusual amount of independence he experienced as a child. As of 2020, he lives in Los Angeles, California. He's quite possibly a genius. We live in a highly distracting world. He never takes "no" for an answer, he's extremely focused, and his passion fuels his work ethic. 13 Ireland, and Hitt, Mission Statements., 14 Ireland, and Hitt, Mission Statements.. 4 Claire Zillman, These 6 Companies Give Their Employees Unlimited Tuition Reimbursement. Fortune. This article is published by the editors of Leaderonomics.com with the consent of the guest author. The current study is narrowly focusing on the leadership traits of Elon Musk in Tesla motors. How can you schedule your day so you can complete one task, then move to the next, effectively, excitedly, and purposefully? Being a perfectionist, he went to his professor and got them to change his score to a 100%. References Read our privacy policy for more information. I feel the same way. We'd, Thanks for all the support! Another factor that helps Musk get into and remain in the flow state has to do with the quality of work he's doing. Works on Ground Level. Watch this TED Talk interview with Elon Musk: Wait But Why did anamazingseries on Elon Musk. . Leaders who are not afraid of taking a leap of faith in terms of creating a better world (Gavin, 2019). We can also absentmindedly rattle off a stream of adjectives that describe him: innovator, leader, genius, visionary, futurist, entrepreneur. Elon Musk is an American businessman. Someone who has reached goals youre still working on can give you real-life, actionable tips to becoming a better leader. All of his qualities and traits cannot be described in words. He wasn't distracted by other, tedious tasks. The ability to face facts. His electric supercars seat seven. The initial question is always small, then the answers grow progressively bigger. I think its very important to have a feedback loop, where youre constantly thinking about what youve done and how you could be doing it better. Great Resignation Climate Change Leadership Inflation Ukraine Invasion . He displays all of the four key positive psychological attributes discussed in the Northouse (2019) text. Perhaps the imaginative leap the new CEO has to make will be to turn Twitter into a viable not-for-profit organisation, one that has enormous utility and value, if not the ability to easily make money for its owners and for advertisers. Question and challenge the status quo. Musk is a longtime CEO who has never been afraid of risk. While Musks resume is pages long, this is the side of Elon Musk that can be easily seen through Google searches and records. I would have been happy with a 98%. Researcher Fred David found that 59 percent of the Chief Executive Officers of Business Weeks top 1,000 firms run companies that do not havemissionstatements.13 Many of these firms go on to acquire companies out-of-line with the companys original core business or product areas. His vision of a better future and unwavering belief in that future create a sense of urgency in his companies work and a belief that anything is possible. Trait #3: Glass Half Full Mentality. If we can overcome the initial fear of being told "no" and understand that no truly means nothing, we'll be better for it. The Ugly: At SpaceX Elon quickly gained a reputation as a staunch leader. Elon Musk's Leadership Style: The Top 3 Leadership Qualities of the man behind Tesla, SpaceX, and Paypal 1. Top editors give you the stories you want delivered right to your inbox each weekday. Hope is not a part of his aggressive optimism. Stay up to date with what you want to know. Northouse, P. G. (2018). 5 Key Personality Traits That Make Elon Musk so Successful "Musk's ability to healthfully maintain his intensity comes because of his flow state mindset, his passion for his work, and his. Because sometimes, more than winning, leaders should inspire. Further, Musk has been selling billions in Tesla stock and its share price is down by over 60% this year. He is considered a visionary business leader who is advancing technology in areas such as space exploration and sustainable energy. Throughout his childhood, Musk was repeatedly bullied by many of his classmates, once even to the point where he had to be rushed to the hospital. If being willful, and opinionated, yet adaptable are key traits to great leaders. 11 Duane Ireland, and Michael A. Hitt, Mission Statements: Importance, Challenge, and Recommendations for Development, Business Horizons, vol. An authentic leader creates better relationships with colleagues, creates higher levels of trust, increased productivity, and a more positive working environment (Gavin, 2019). "What do you do when youre on your lunch break? He then takes each answer to the question and attempts to flesh it out in the best possible way. A railroad. When considering Elon Musk under the lens of authentic leadership, it is clear he has the necessary leadership traits. His integrity helps him make bold decisions that others may be unable to make. Related: Elon Musk Responds to a Request From a Tweeter Who Sent Him the Same Message 154 Times. Otherwise, its not.16 For Musk, the only viable option was to hold on firmly to hope. Randy Garn is a passionate entrepreneur, speaker, and, This Founder Started a Wellness Brand in Her Kitchen , Employees Are 45 Minutes More Productive Each Week, 61 Books Elon Musk Thinks You Should Read, A German Scientist Predicted That a Person Named 'Elon' Would Lead Humans to Mars. Elon Musk inspires his employees because, although he has high expectations for them, he demands even more from himself. Lack of parental supervision enabled the two boys to create their own homemade explosives and rockets. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Elon-Musk. His other ventures include Hyperloop (his design for a high-speed transportation system that would drastically reduce travel times) and OpenAI (a non-for-profit research company dedicated to artificial intelligence). He has become an inspiration for many young leaders in the world of business. Why is Elon Musk so scared of Artificial Intelligence? A great leader must have a vision and it is not about just knowing where you are but also where you want to be. His solar company is cash-flow positive. Elon Musk's leadership style is transformational since it focuses on innovation and achieving large scale goals. First, according to the theory of authentic leadership, Musk had to exhibit positive psychological capacities and moral reasoning, and had to experience a critical event, in order to develop into an authentic leader (Northouse, 2019). Web Design & Marketing Solutions provided by Select Advisors Institute, LLC. Now look at Tesla: it's a booming giant that's changing the automotive world. Musk doesnt create and lead in a vacuum: Hes surrounded by employees, board members and stockholders who look to him to guide their next move. He is Elon Musk.1 Elon Musk is irrefutably a captivating figure, but how has his development as a leader influenced his success, and how can these qualities be replicated in managers across the nation? Things could get nasty.". This kind of thinking makes many companies mediocre. Jun 21, 2022 2. He displays authenticity on a personal, organizational, and global level. Leadership Qualities of Elon Musk and Learnings Oct. 20, 2018 6 likes 7,153 views Download Now Download to read offline Leadership & Management Business Leadership presentation prepared by Md. I've known too many people who attempt to bring a certain amount of intensity to their work and burnout, break down, or go too far. Musk is a perfect case study for someone whose work ethic is fueled by his passion. Guided by a strong sense of personal values has earned him/her great respect from staff, competitors, advisers, family and wider community. 7 Michael Schrage, Like It or Not, You Are Always Leading by Example. Harvard Business Review. Musk posted the poll himself and has since responded interesting to a suggestion that fake accounts might have skewed the results. According to published work by Walumba and associates (2008) as discussed by Northouse (2019), the four components of authentic leadership are self-awareness, internalized moral perspective, balanced processing, and relational transparency. Few more of his leadership traits are given below: Leading with Purpose Collaborative Being Comfortable with Change Operating with integrity Being Continuous learner is a priority Optimistic Today, Musk is regarded as one of most revolutionary and visionary entrepreneurs of his generation. In this segment were looking atElon Musk, the creator of brands such as PayPal, SpaceX, and Tesla. With wealth at his disposal, he reached back into his vision for his life and work; this led him to the aerospace industry and his desire to make humans an multi-planetary species. He has created a corporate culture that sets SpaceX and Tesla Motors apart from other companies in the industry. In the end, he got his way. The influential dynamic that Elon Musk has communicated and collaborated with through social media platforms has contributed to the collective value increase of Tesla. Inspires others to keep up with the pace of change instead of staying with a day-late idea. He may rethink stepping down, or even appoint someone only to sack them. This merged with Confinity to become Paypal. However, there's no denying that Elon Musk deserves a spot near the top of that list. Empowering Trust Humility Visionary Delegation Innovative Positive Inquisitive Problem Solving Initiative for action Nuturing & Empathetic Active listening Patience Gratitude Strategic & Focussed Decision making Resilience Comittment Good communication Influence Transparency Respect It turns into a mission or game, and we find ourselves enjoying what we're doing. How many opportunities are lost because of our fear of asking? By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider His first marriage was to Canadian author Justine Wilson in 2000. The nimble start-up, OpenAI, has taken on tech behemoth Google in a fight for the spot as AI's top dog. Shareholders in the car firm would probably like their hitherto successful CEO back full time. What Might That Mean For The Economy? ), Musk has been working to solve these growing problems for more than a decade.To paraphrase an amusing analogy I recently came across: While most industry leaders have been playing checkers, Musk has been playing StarCraft.But more than having a vision, leaders should clearly communicate that vision to their followers. Whether it was Paypal where he championed the idea of an online banking institution, or SpaceX which has become the first private company to successfully launch a rocket and dock at the International Space Station, or SolarCity which promotes the use of solar energy as a sustainable energy source, Musk is disrupting large industries by setting a new standard. You Can Lead Like Jobs and Musk If You Can Apply These 4 Skills. From time to time, take the time to reflect on your own performance as a leader. Your email address will not be published. Along with the transformational approach, Elon Musk as a leader believes in achieving the impossible, embracing failures, cutting back on unimportant . It turns into a mission or game, and we find ourselves enjoying what we're doing. 19 Nicholas A. Christakis, and James H. Fowler, Connected: The Surprising Power of Our Social Networks (New York: Back Bay Books, 2011). Musk also co-founded Tesla Motors, which aims to build low-cost electric vehicles and revolutionize the automobile industry. Autodesk is a leader in providing design and . The initial question is always small, then the answers grow progressively bigger. Now many of you will read this and think: Why? In the end, he got his way. As a child, Musk had a passion for science fiction books and movies. But is it really a commercial proposition? I think thats the single best piece of advice: constantly think about how you could be doing things better and questioning yourself.. Balanced processing refers to the ability of a leader to be objective and find balance by incorporating a combination of self values, in addition to considering the opinions and values of others within the organization (Northouse, 2019). When asked which particular work touched him, his response is equally as unique as himself: comic science-fiction novel, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. It could have global impact. Mentors are invaluable when it comes to developing a leadership style. An electric railroad. While Musk's business ventures have been driven by his unique vision, Musk takes very little input and often makes impulse decisions that haven't been vetted by team members. What more noble cause is there? For leadership profiles of other famous business leaders, including Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, and Warren Buffett, check out our Business Leadership Profiles section. An office culture based on continued learning, leadership by example, clear mission objectives, and positivity is the greenhouse that empowers employees to grow into effective managers. accessed November 23, 2017. http://fortune.com/2016/03/04/ companies-employees-tuition-reimbursement/. Working 120-hour weeks doesn't leverage your unique qualities, it wastes them. Elon Musk's leadership qualities such as leading from the front, trusting teams, optimism and motivation. He values feedback, both good and bad, as it helps him refine his ideas and execution. Be obsessed and obsessive. It is not a platform like Facebook or Instagram that can deliver billions of users to potential advertisers. Biography.com. Opinions expressed are those of the author. These are the brutal facts a new leader must confront. Oprah Winfrey. And the commitment to bettering ones self in conjunction with honing leadership skills, and embracing a mission we put ourselves in a position to be great leaders. 1. 1. When considering his moral reasoning, it is important to look at the type of products he designs and creates. Musk has perfected the art of remaining focused. Unfortunately, he died of sudden infant death syndrome. Has potential to influence by contributing something to the world that improves it in a new and different way and creates a social impact. He loves what he's doing because he does what he loves. Even if it was for 2%. From growing up in a divorced household, his mother working up to five jobs at a time to support them, to selling his first video game at the age of 12, Elon Musk beat the odds and pushed himself towards the entrepreneur, self-made inventor he is today (Biography.com Editors, 2021). Musks childhood problem with bullies played a large role in developing his optimistic tendencies. Authentic Leadership: What It Is & Why Its Important | HBS Online. The Musk way. 17 Shawn Achor, The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles That Fuel Success and Performance at Work (London: Virgin, 2011). How can you and your organization make a positive difference in the world? Elon Musk is Tesla Motors ' co-founder, CEO and brand architect, a firm devoted to the manufacture of inexpensive, mass-market electric vehicles, battery products and solar towers. Worth it curiosity stems largely from the front, trusting teams, optimism and motivation that can be easily through. 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