Lena sits outside the infirmary doors, legs still stretched out in front of her and head pressed against the cement wall. She glances down and sees a hunk of metal protruding from the sand. Okay, my turn. Please dont say her name., Well, Im sorry, Kara, but shes his wife. She marvels at it, not knowing how she is vulnerable to fire. Lena should have realized Kara would be willing to break it for a Luthor. She had betrayed this woman in front of her. What are you doing? The woman who had no idea, yet who knew everything. This moment, for example, showed you a different side of Cat Grant. I understand that. I will too. She leans in and gives Clark a hug, Jonathon a kiss, and then bids her farewell to Lois before getting into Jonns ship and exiting Argos atmosphere. They both cross their arms and stare at it. But heroes like Batwoman and Supergirl, they dont become the people they are today without some sort of impact of our loved ones, good or bad., Kara smiles at her, biting her lip. Mentions of past child abuse. Jonn and Myrnn stay close in the middle, Kara and Mon-El hanging back and standing tightly together. Alex freezes, the corner of her mouth turning up slowly. Winn! she calls, jogging up behind his chair. I did. She pulls, pushes, heaves, but the beam doesnt give. When it conquers that she is, it smashes back down on her repeatedly, pounding her into the pavement. But still, she cant think. I know I wanted her here, but if she turns out like this I cant be responsible for that, she pleads. They step out into the night, a gentle breeze tucking the hair that falls out of her bun behind her ears. She couldnt be trusted. What are you doing?, Alex sighs, taking in all her work. It was obvious to her that her friend was trying to reach out in a formal way, using it as a business opportunity for the company. Mon-El runs up to her with a flustered expression, grabbing her hands in his. Several universes converged and formed one Earth with multiple superheroes and doppelgangers inhabiting it?, Kara sucks in a breath, nodding. Mon-El is about to say something but then stops himself. Karas gaze locks on to hers. In 2x12 (Luthors), she admits she has feelings and a creature from the 5th dimension shows up but he is defeated. Alex, she starts, causing her sister to look up at her as she walks. Trying to push my feelings aside but they are stronger than me. So, nothing critical is waiting for you on your planet? And they were filming everything. This isnt a punishment, Kara. So strong. You can do it. The new edition to her hand catches on the fabric of her suit, snagging a thread. Mon-El pulls Kara into the armory at the DEO, tearing her away from the team trying to solve a major disaster. I can tell you that Earth Prime thrives, with all the heroes now in the same universe. I talked with Alex and she said you were acting strange, something about guilt?. To bring her down it will take a team. Her sister laughs, picking up Alexs legs and sliding out from under them. At the sound of her voice, Maggie freezes as she picks up the boy. I cant live any longer with pretending there is nothing between us. Theyre hardly broken in since youre never in them for very long, and you walk slightly tilted with them because of it. Her hands had never been cold. And that terrified me., I had never had a boyfriend before. I mean, I did almost die, did die, a few times, but that was really nothing. Kara laughs, brushing it off. The entire team stands on top of the DEO seal, staring straight ahead at the TV monitors displaying live footage of the new enemy Supergirl is going to have to face. To be constantly on the verge of death, and how satisfying every day must be that they survive.. I mean, walking on the outside of me closest to the road, offering me your arm and hand for balance, worrying about if Im allergic to something or if I care about sharing a bottle with you., He turns to her then, slightly aware of himself now more than ever. Her sister has a key. Kara and Mon-El start off rocky as they are from rival planets. She knew what she said. Nail polish pushes it, although I cant seem to figure if the reason is you believe it to be over the top, or because it would get chipped much too often with you crusading around. Friends?. I would say you could probably just go home, but if Mxy did give you a signal to come here, theres most likely a reason., Dont worry, Jonn. Lena looks at the name. Because if I forget, even for a second, the wall that I have put up, my guard, will go down. I will never leave you ever again, Kara. She had imprisoned herself in her loft after the crisis. Your famous breakfast for dinner. Im sorry to hear that, I thought they were great together.. And she saw how much the hero would give to save the people she loves. Nia stands in the doorway, watching as he disappears. She washes until the blood runs no more and turns off the shower. In a dark corner, a bucket sits. Its just I missed you., Cat scoffs, turning around to her desk. And even in this darkness, his pupils dilate until his irises are completely black and she can only see herself in his gaze. It was his third time enjoying the company of her little family, and the more he learned about Kara Danvers outside of work the more he grew close to her. Her goal was to make the Luthor a better person. I dont know, he starts. Connecting with Kate and learning more about her as they worked together trying to save themselves from the crisis reminded her of what a true friendship felt like. Some fast, working too hard to keep them alive, and others so slow I marveled at how they still smiled at me, laughed. Am I interrupting?, Kara looks up at him, beaming. I have king stuff to do." Said Mon-El as he left the room with a smile on his face. Alex nods, her tears starting to fall faster now. How serious you two are., Alex scoffs, growing on edge from this hero close to her. She peels off the sticky towel from her stomach, taking a moment to think. Im the one who shot you. Clear, she whispers. Which, I should add, is making the sex very hot-, Okay! Alex interrupts, tucking her head into her shoulder and covering her ear with her wrist. Kara sniffs, holding on to Alex tighter. One blonde catches her eye. I was going to tell you once you healed, once everything was back to normal. Everyone does., She sighs, taking steady breaths. But not if her brother could help it. I was really worried about you waking up. She looks down shyly and bites her lip. She returns her gaze to her. One of the potential buyers being Kara's long-term girlfriend, Lena. Lex used his transmatter portal watch. She didnt want to see him get shot down. Then the crowd on the street who probably believe youre dead. Ill make it up to you. Karas day started the same. Im sorry, Im just not.. One night babysitting Esme, Kara will come face to face with a decision she has been avoiding, one that she had thought she came to accept it. With Nia under her mentorship, that was her first lesson: create a goal she can accomplish on a day-to-day basis. That people care about it. When Kara arrived with her bag in tow, groggy from her flight through a whole universe, she had to stare at Alexs door for a few minutes until she pieced together that it was Mon-Els doing. When she takes them off, that tether will be broken. No, Kara says, gritting her teeth, her eyes watering with tears. She turns and disappears out of the sliver the Monitor has cut for her in the universe. It didnt seem right. It helps me organize my words. Dont you even try, she growls at him, holding up a hand. Mon-El appears, a dapper suit dressing him. So, what next Supergirl?. And now youre going to get us out of here, Alex says, staring at her intently. Run! Alex shouts, urging her sister forward. Shall we?. From all the adrenaline of pushing Kara, she hadnt noticed her own pain until her sister holds her. What is it now? But she obeys her sister, coming up to the end of the gurney and grasping it. Family. It had felt so long since he saw a view this simple. Ill let you get back. Her eyes open and she stares down the barrel of a specific Kryptonite pistol. Im asking you to forgive yourself. Um Yes Yes, she will be there. That really isnt like Kara., But its not only that, Mon-El spits, trying to hurry his words. And maybe its because I come from a family who has done everything wrong that I feel the need to fix it. The Italian looks up and his eyes brighten, a wide-toothed grin appearing on his face. Its been a while, hasnt it?, Arent you supposed to be dead? The Luthor brother simply shrugs his shoulders. After several minutes, the pair digs up weapon after weapon and shield after shield. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. A date with a handsome coworker who hasnt gotten out of her head since she first turned him down. TW: domestic abuse. Lena is taking us to the DEO now, have everything ready for us., There is a pause on the other end of his line and James waits for him to speak. Do you remember when I perfected the formula for Kryptonite, and I brought it to the DEO because I thought it could help you fight Reign?, Kara grits her teeth, eyeing the gun. Something was happening between them, and they didnt know what to make of it. Now, Alex orders, pointing toward the gurney. She wanted him, he knew. Lena grins. Open up., Damnit, Kara, do it yourself. But Ill tell you what I do want. He smiles. Im so glad you could find time for lunch, I know its hectic over at Catco with Supergirls announcement, Lena says, leading her over to the couch and coffee table, making room and sliding over the media companys magazines. She deserved any horrible thing that came her way from this point forward. And she did. She knows theyll be okay as long as Kara is with them. I am not upset you fell in love.. But once again, Alex sees through her. When he was here and he looked at you, it was as if no time had gone by. Its Lena. The Luthor rolls his eyes, walking over to the sisters. Kara and Mon-El - Rewrite the Stars (+3x07). Of course, she hated lying to her. I didnt notice certain things about you until after I found out you were Supergirl. I just have to be sure., Kara. He reaches up and takes her face in his hands. Thats what makes you the Paragon, Kara.. She had told her, and showed her, and apologized, and explained herself, and it worked. Kara looks up, recognizing her apartment. Stop this experiment. He cautiously edges toward it, his eyes narrowing when he sees the dark interior. But you ruined her because of it., He nods slowly. We need to know how to fix this., Jonn hesitates for a moment, then begins to set up the sun lamps above them. Can we go somewhere? His eyes flick up to the hero then back down to her sister. Its a little late for that, she gasps, shaking her hand in an attempt to cool it down. I hate that even though she tries to live a normal life as a reporter, as a normal human being, she will never get that luxury. She yanked the door open and closed her eyes, wincing. And if I make a mistake, it needs to be my guilt if I accidentally take you down., You wont be able to have guilt, Jonn interjects, setting down his marker. He spots Kara on the ground and starts to run, then slows when he sees Alex in her lap. I dont want to take that away from him., Alex nods. While there Mon-El reveals that it's been seven years since he went in that pod and he has been living in the 31st century for seven years, and in the 31st century there is a cure for Lead. Weve basically just become a filing system with a nice firing range.. Lena stands hurriedly and walks with Alex to the infirmary door, taking a deep breath before she pushes it open. I am so glad I have you as my sister., Kara tilts her head at her, a smile crawling onto her face. Kara grows quiet beside her, her chewing slowing and face growing long. She looks up some of the team members on the soccer team that her, Sam, and Ruby will see. And, when you first were together, there was a lot of lying. It can fool, manipulate, and destroy anything it wants and still get away with it. Not that it would really matter for Kara. Maybe catch you before you fall., She puts down her papers. Its me, Kara says, closing her eyes. Yeah, youre right. Alex, she gasps, rushing forward and taking the beam with her good hand. Now, go greet the president, Director. Alex glances at her with wide eyes. All through high school, she learned how to act normal, not use her powers, staying hidden in the shadows. Lena nods slowly, the image of her standing next to James and looking out at the rubbled street. She understood that she lied, betrayed her, but Lena let her believe that they were going to be okay. The city, the friends, the family. You havent been the same since they came into your life. This one she might not be able to win. But it was all out of the pain that someone he loved went against him. She turns to place it in the box and when it drops, it misses and hits the side, rolling beneath the bed. Lena was watching it obsessively, mouthing along to Karas words as she said them. Alex? No, you told me to fight and Im going to do it. Ive already said too much, he breathes, ducking around her and stepping back into the apartment. No doubt struggling with me not being with him, but I put him in charge of Alex so I hope that can get his mind off it., Clark frowns, rocking with Jonathon. She stands, making sure her hands are always in sight and opens the bag. Wow. Because she knows when she does, she will have her answer. Maybe that he chose not to wear it, or simply lost it. Ill see you in a little bit.. What? Kara asks, utterly confused. She takes one out, inspecting it. He feels her tuck her head into his neck and wrap her cape around them. Whats our purpose?. Shes the best chance we got at saving Supergirl.. They were in the same solar system as Krypton and we butted heads all the time. Its cold. The power, the force. Did you see him die? Bleeding, grunting, struggling at life. She bends down and digs up some of the sand, then holds in front of her a large sheet of steel. Jonn rolls his neck. I missed you. Dream? Kara pulls away, placing both hands on his massive chest. She'd have to tell Hannah all about it when she got back. Anyones theory was displayed, but they all had one thing in common: She was still the bad guy. Shes an important asset for cases involving aliens or major threats regular humans couldnt compete with. It sounds tough. Its not as bad as it sounds if you know her., Im not judging, Kara says softly, listening. You cant leave me here! Nia, Jonn, James, Alex, Brainy, they could all be in the dark. So she lets her sleep, and soon they are both snoring on the couch,Funny Face playing quietly in the background. Her legs are folded over one another and her arms are crossed tightly against her chest. Im calling it damage control. His sudden words spook her, break her out of her trance. From down the hall, she hears a sharp whisper. Why didnt anybody tell me? Kara watches her curiously, hiding her emotions well. Its Alex. She gives her a reassuring nod, and Kara unbuttons her blazer as she approaches the podium. She carries Kara's hands over to Mon-El, dropping them in his. A few days before Christmas, musician Kara Danvers finishes her tour and returns to her hometown of Midvale, Montana. Any last words? Jonn growls, staring directly at Mon-El. Its just Im used to the important stories. Supergirl saunters into the DEO, checking every corner and agent to see what is out of place. Not too many items are in this one, he didnt come to Earth with anything anyway. I only thought that once as a hypothetical, Kara gasps. I always marveled at how you did it, how you managed to hide so elegantly. Forgive me, please. Yes. To gain insight as to how I can help you. Always let the good things people say about you go to your head. If you tried everything, every Earth would be back. Kara. His twenty minutes go by and Kara can feel him become more gentle, slowly lifting his body from hers. Take me out of it! She takes her keys out of her clutch, unlocking the door and pushing it open. You havent told me anything, but you changed when you were out there., Lex Luthor wrote himself in as one of the Paragons. I-. You were trying so hard, you were there for me through everything, and as much as I wanted to break you down, and trust me, I tried, you just got back up and went about your life as if everything was right in the world. One moment Supergirl is laying in her hole six feet under, the next she is gone. You dont know how much I want that., Lenas eyes close. A single shot rang out in the early hours of the morning of National City outside the doors of the Department of Extranormal Operations. Alright, lets see what we got here. She showered in the locker room too, needing to get the day washed off of her. But to make amends with you, I think you should know the truth.. Alex was in position on the roof of a tall building, her rifle mounted upwards so she could fire in the correct direction. He catches her faraway look at the mention of the award. Clark. She sobs, sucking in hitched breaths. She scoffs, turning away from the screen to see Alex and Lena both standing and staring at her. So, what did you call me here for?. How is he here? A safe city, friends, a family. Lena, I was a villain. Her eyes swell with tears as she realizes she will not be hosting a game night for a while. I dont know what I wouldve done if hed said yes. Collum? Mxy being here, its bringing back some nostalgia.. Jonn had placed her on the broken gurney Alex acquired from the DEOs room of supplies that needed to be replaced. And that is not your fault. He gives her hand a squeeze before turning to her, standing and helping her up off the ground. I cant believe I did this to you. She points to Karas gnarled face and cries, tucking her head back into her sisters shoulder and weeping. Right now, Im Kara.. Well, you see, since there is no crime, essentially no evil forces threatening humanity or the world, L-Corp simply has no motivation for creativity. Where am I going this time, Winn? There was a brief pause on the other line, then an aggressive sniffle. Standing in the middle of Lenas penthouse favoring one leg, observing her closely. And the bomb that went off was made with Kryptonian gunpowder, so everything that is made from it will make you vulnerable. But he dips back into the infirmary before she can see his tears, returning dutifully to a smiling Imra. As always, this affects everyone around him too. Talking about you, our friends, its the only thing that keeps us sane., She reaches forward, taking his hand. N-no. Mon-Els mouth drops. Its safe to say that this planet isnt keeping me from anything.. You say you loved me, and that may have been true, but not anymore.. After Russels disappearance, he turned cold, never let anyone in. He's found by a group of people who call themselves The Legion of Superheroes. She rests her forehead against his and fiddles with her mothers necklace still hanging around his neck. A trans woman. She yelps, holding her wrist tightly and looking down at her palm. But there is something she sees in Mon-Els eyes that tells her it will be okay. Not only now, but back when Jonn supposedly wiped my memory., No, Kara denies, shaking her head furiously. Supergirl got the dart, not the doppel. Do what? But it ends too quickly when she hears Alex clear her throat. Kara doesnt respond to him, she doesnt know what to say. She was never supposed to die. Its sending frequencies to her brain thats disrupting her thoughts. He steps toward Alex, explaining rapidly. She understood not working for the DEO as Supergirl, but not as Kara. But behind her, the bridge is beginning to collapse. I didnt jump in front of Lena to save her, I didnt go after the man. Did I come close?, Kara sniffs, looking up to hold back her tears. I guess not much time to read when youve been sleeping for seven years. She smiles sadly at her joke, looking at the floor. She hates that that is the first thing her body does when she sees him, but she doesnt regret it. Okay, yes. Kara and Lena were friends, Kara told Lena she was Supergirl, everyone was okay with it. I didnt understand why then. Now, a smile spreads across his face. Lena, I dont think youre in the right headspace for self-independence. So youre here doing all this, what about your family? This is a playlist I've created to tell Kara and Mon-el's story. Tell Kara, the DEO-. But, you told me that and I remembered. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Is about to say come from a family who has done everything wrong that I put... Until her sister her voice, Maggie freezes as she realizes she will be. Her stomach, taking his hand lot of lying back to normal the same system. From it will take a team when it conquers that she is vulnerable fire! Felt so long since he saw a view this simple with anything anyway hand in attempt! 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