Emma ignored her mother, leaving zelena in a heap on the floor she went to wake Regina, "Regina." She shook her urgently. Emma, Regina, Hook, Snow, and . During their secret romance, the two would often meet in a nearby apple orchard and they shared their first kiss under the most illustrious apple tree in the field. after a close call with death and some unforeseen circumstances you start falling for the mad who is carrying for you, but he quickly warns you about the price. Cordelia Jones was the Captain's daughter and lost all hope that her father would ever return to rescue her. evilqueen; fireflies +8 more # 3. People look at her weirdly, she gets strange flashbacks to memories she's not sure are real and why do people continue to call her Morganna? Regina saw her lover Daniel killed in front of her when she was a young woman and now she had to watch her true love Robin Hood die in front of her as well. Every other weekend, Snow gives her daughter to the woman who destroyed their lives. On Regina's sixteenth birthday, a small celebration was held in her honor. At some point during the hunt for her stepdaughter, the Evil Queen became acquainted with the dark fairy Maleficent and exchanged the Dark Curse for further tutelage in dark magic. It's been almost a year since the split from her evil persona and so far things were heading up in all directions except for one. [Multifandom]: Recueil de textes crits pour le Sapphic September 2022. Her life in the Enchanted Forest went beyond being Snow White's stepmother, but an attack by Snow White leaves Regina broken, and her children in different realms. That's probably the reason Emma Nolan has been in love with Killian Jones since they were ten years old and he was the new kid in school. Affiliation Emma Jones (ne Swan; born Nolan), also called The Savior, is a character on ABC's Once Upon a Time and Once Upon a Time in Wonderland. A chain of events of unexpected proportion begins and it soon becomes clear that magic itself is more than black and white and Emma discovers the beauty of magic while someone becomes desperate to rid her of it, regardless of the . . how to carry kimber micro 9. "Earbuds" [ THIS BOOK IS TERRIBLE, READ WITH CAUTION Despite her new last name, Emma had a choice to make.However, she probably shouldve told Snow about her recent change in marital status. She admitted that they were sisters, but she erased their beautiful childhood memories together. From the pilot episode to the series finale, no character endured as much hardship and experienced as much growth as Regina did. Season 4. Promising to outlaw the slaughtering of wolves in her kingdom, Humbert agreed to Regime's terms and posed as one of the royal guardstasked with escorting Snow White to her family's summer palace. "Anyone would've done the same" Well, maybe not her mother, but even so Johanna and Snow left soon after Daniel returned, Snow's now-calmed horse in tow, and Regina smiled as she watched them leave, Snow refusing to ride alone. Evil QueenWicked QueenEvil WitchOld HagLady Vain (in Camelot) She doesn't have anyone to love her, to support her, and to be there for her. Her half-sister replies by saying that she has gotten to know about Cora through Regina, claiming that she was exactly like Cora. However, Regina soon grew displeased with her black knights inability to apprehend her stepdaughter and decided to offer a hefty reward to whoever forfeited Snow White's location, all under the false pretense that her stepdaughter tried to assassinate her to ascend the throne. After a certain group of villagers harbored the fugitive Snow White, Regina confronted them for information about her whereabouts. He ruled MistHaven. Spoiler alert: female-on-male-rape again. As long as you hold the spirit of goodness in your heart, I shall never leave you.Eva to Snow White Queen Eva, formerly known as Princess Eva, is a character on ABC's Once Upon a Time. As Regina decides to spare Zelena for now, albeit locked up, this results in Regina's decision that she no longer needs the Author to find her happy ending. However, Judy's sisters weren't jealous and still loved their sister. Changing the lives of everyone else's lives as well Killian Jones, 30, goes undercover in a foreign country to nail an underground Sex trafficking ring. The traumatic circumstances of Mira's death were so severe that Regina's psyche regressed into a hopeless version of her old self and she wanderedthe mirror realm in the vain hope of finding her lost lover. With help from Rumpelstiltskin, Prince Charming returned Snow White's heart and escorted her back to his castle to be nursed back to health. After returning from the Enchanted Forest, Snow White finally has to deal with the fact that Mary Margaret was married to the Evil Queen, Regina tricks the genie into killing Leopold in order to free herself from him with the intention of placing their daughter on the throne in the place of Snow, but while she's scheming away Blue takes her daughter and hides her away from her in the realm of Untold Stories in which the child becomes trapped in until she finds her way back to her through a mysterious portal. The Queens of Darkness That strategy makes sense, of course; if you're going to spend the last two hours of a season writing alt-universe fanfiction about your own alt-universe fanfiction, you may as well make sure that it won't get bogged down with resolving issues like Emma's relationship with her parents and Maleficent's relationship with her daughter and Regina's relationship with her sister. Having grown tired and impatient,Regina devised a plan to disguise herself and blend in with the peasantry in order to figure out Snow White's location and cut out her stepdaughter's heart personally. "Regina," Snow replies, in her sickly sweet voice. Regina and daughter OUAT fanfic: Shortly after Regina became Queen, she gave birth to a beautiful girl named Daniella. Theoretically canon-compliant for 3x01-3x06. The dragon form of Lily is featured in the forest. Even though it was a difficult decision for her, it confirmed Regina's ruthlessness and that she would be willing to eliminate anyonetoget what she wanted. Though Regina sought to give Zelena a second chance, hoping to join forces to reenact her time-travel spell and change both their pasts to their benefits, the Wicked Witch was seemingly killed by Rumplestiltskin. I can tell you another day, okay?" "Okay," she said, her frown disappearing. ', and her husband's mistress trying to mend things, trying to help her despite being pregnant and being the cause of her problems. She finally left when he came home drunk, her mother bloody and bruised. Once Upon A Time's best character was arguably Regina Mills. A bail bondswoman, Emma is the long-lost daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming and, as the product of their true love, was destined to break the curse that the Evil Queen cast over the whole Enchanted Forest. Later, a guilt-ridden Snow White willinglyoffered her life to Regina to prevent anymore bloodshed. Sequel to Dinnertime Disaster ~ Belle confronts Snow on her behavior towards her family and finally gets some things off her chest. When she was first introduced, Regina Mills seemed like a despicable villain. Regina is frozen in time on the day Snow gives birth to ensure Emma . Weeks. Sequel to Gamenight Gamble ~ The Golds invite the Charmings over to dinner and, of course, things do not go as planned. Regina's hatred towards Snow White intensified and when she first tried to rip out her stepdaughter's heart, Rumplestiltskin stopped her as payment for Snow White unknowingly saving his life. Regina decidedly married King Leopold and used her position as queen of the wealthiest kingdom in the realm to her advantage in helping Mira. Poverty is higher than ever, even in the now Free States of the New America, a country previously known as the United States of America, which is cruel to people like Regina Mills, whose family is overwhelmed by debt. Poor Snow White having to be tickled endlessly against her will, unable to do anything to stop it until her fainting spells and subsequent death. She was sure even Killian would have laughed at that one, but Neal probably wouldve taken offense.Mary Margaret didnt pay it any mind, even more perplexed.Best Christmas Ever.Re-edited as of April 9, 2022. Overwhelmed with jealously and despair because of this upsetting news, Regina decided to cast the same love spell on Mira as her mother did with Leopold. But the joy of expecting is short-lived when they receive some interesting news that could change their lives forever. She is exhausted. However, her backstory reveals that her actions, though ill-guided, are motivated from love. Regina's heart was darkened by power and corruption, being one of few to keep their memories after unleashing the Dark Curse. All Rights Reserved. As the story continued, though, tragic flashbacks and incredible character development in the present made Regina a much more sympathetic and complex character who eventually became a fan-favorite hero. It was also about Regina's jealousy that the people of the Enchanted Forest loved Snow White and were more loyal to her. A horrific incident sends a distraught Emma to Regina's house begging for help that Regina offered months ago. Regina worked so hard to become a better person. They belong to ouat. As the Magic Ink is drying, Regina tells Zelena that Cora wasn't a better mother, and that she had wronged them both, as Robin Hood comes in. . Crystal Waters has grown up abused by her malicious father. Regina, however, states that she'll find the Magic Ink on her own and get her happy ending by herself. He ruled Oz. As Emma brings Lily back to Storybrooke, she is able to reunite her with Maleficent, while at the same time, Regina and Robin Hood must find a way to deal with Zelena, even if they can find a way to be together. After Zelena's defeat, Regina resumed her quest to free Mira and temporarilyshelved her vengeance for Snow White out of gratitude for her stepdaughter's assistance in once again returning Mira to her. Emma shows up and immediately comes to her mother's aid, and uses her powers to heal her. King Xavier (paternal grandfather, deceased)Prince Henry (father, deceased)Cora (mother)Zelena (maternal half-sister)King Leopold (husband, deceased)Snow White (stepdaughter). During their get-together at Granny's, Lily asks her mother about what they are going to do about David and Mary Margaret, as she still has a grudge against them, but Maleficent states that she isn't up for revenge, and tries persuades Lily to stay in Storybrooke, begging her to stay because she won't be able to return if she leaves, and because Maleficent would turn back into dust if she tried to leave town with Lily. With Mira's peculiar fate, Regina took an interest in witchcraft, and, using one of her mother's books without her knowledge, experimented in summoning its creator. It was something that Emma had wanted for so long. Unfortunately, it also meant that this week's hour felt more like table setting than a main course. After her second failed attempt on her stepdaughter's life, the Evil Queen became obsessed with finding Snow White. The woman was beautiful, but she had a blank, cold expression on her face there was something about the woman's eyes in the portrait they were beautiful, but they seemed so empty, as if all the happiness had been drained out of her soul. She punished Belle because of her importance to Rumplestiltskin, a move that was unforgivable. Regina introduced herself as seamstress selling laces to feed her starving family and Snow White provided medical aid. (RumplestiltskinXOC, or Rumpellyn for short.) Only that this Devil was a seventeen -something years old boy, who was never going to grow up and wanted to 'take my heart'. In this episode, Emma Swan reunites Lily with Maleficent, Isaac must find a new ally as Gold's heart grows darker, and Regina and Robin Hood must deal with Zelena's pregnancy. Eventually, Regina relocated to an abandoned castle in the desert wastelands of the Enchanted Forest. Regina has pulled their intertwined fingers into her lap. Now that she and the Evil Queen have been separated from one another, Regina Mills is free to be her true self. This trauma devastated Regina and was an injustice that led her down a dark road of vengeance. I know you don't," she says. In an attempt to break her stepdaughter's spirit, Regina made Snow's life miserable by stripping the castle of everything she loved, making her wear grey dresses and banishing singing and dancing from the court. Regina ultimately endured one of the most grueling, yet rewarding character arcs of the show. In front of Regina, Cora ripped out Daniel's heart and crushed it. Pathetic Isaac Heller spends his days jacking off to the men of Storybrooke engaging in glorious gay sex. "Mother" is the twenty-first and penultimate episode of the fourth season of the American fantasy drama series Once Upon a Time, which aired on May 3, 2015. I wish shed give herself a chance to be that person again If she wanted to be good would you let her back in?, What if, the queen's poisoned apple enchantment did not have a sleep spell, but a tickle spell? Elle rencontre la grande sur d'Henry, Sola Mills. ||Completed|| It was like living with the Devil. Once Upon A Time's best character was arguably Regina Mills. Regina then shows Isaac a picture of Regina being with Robin Hood; Isaac states that it was one of his "experimental writings," which he was planning to write about it in a separate book, but never got the chance, which gives Regina an idea. Aware that in this land she would not have the meansto return to the Enchanted Forest, let alone rip out Snow White's, Regina tried to stop her curse to no avail. She is also an allusion to Queen Gertrude from The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Eventually, Regina discovered that while Mira lost his corporeal form, his soul did not fully surrender to "the other side", allowing him to continue his existence in the mirror he and his father had crafted for her. A classic story. One day, a fourteen year-old Snow White looked into Regina's magic mirror, unaware Mira's soul was trapped inside it, and he became enamored with Snow, whom he mistook to be the woman he fell in love with, rather than Regina. After her breakup with Robin and her romantic involvment with Snow, Regina decides to invite Robin to her birthday party, not knowing what the consequences could be. To think about her mother, about Rumpelstiltskin, and about herself. "The Queen Is Dead" is the 15th episode of the second season of the American ABC fantasy/drama television series Once Upon a Time, and the show's 37th episode overall. Darkness has always been inside of Scarlett. Her entire world has spun around the most powerful curse of all times, she invested everything in it and no matter the cost it was going to happen. Completed. fr delta i inlandet webbkryss / once upon a time fanfiction regina morning sickness. When Regina met with Mira to run away together, Cora intercepted them. Prior to her birth, her mother was taught magic after making a deal with Rumpelstiltskin. Even after offering them a reward, none of the villagers divulged any information. As the Evil Queen, Regina is a bitter, cynical woman, and her attempts on Snow White's life and her quest to use the Dark Curse regardless of the costs to the lives of inhabitants of the Enchanted Forest, makes her a dangerous and ruthless enemy. When . How long will their sharada last? Tag me to them :) I would love to read them) While in prison, Regina revealed Mira's fate to her stepdaughter and Snow Whiteadministered a test to see if Regina could be redeemed. Fearful of what others (her mother especially) would do if they discovered Mira's fate, Regina tried to keep the knowledge of Mira's existence from becoming widespread. Queen of Hearts | Cora/Regina's Father | Henry Mills Sr. Ministry of Magic Employees (Harry Potter), "there are monsters in this world and you're one of them", the thing with feathers (has clipped wings), and it assumes that Regina and Emma have been together secretly for a while, also there is snow bashing that i won't apologize for ok, SwanQueen Fanfiction Facebook Group (Once Upon a Time), Dark Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Evil Queen | Regina Mills & Prince Charming | David Nolan Friendship, Evil Queen | Regina Mills/"Hyde" Evil Queen/Emma Swan, Huntsman | Sheriff Graham/Original Female Character(s), Minor Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Victor Frankenstein | Dr. Whale, Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard Mild Bashing, Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Prince Charming | David Nolan, the entire Enchanted Forest is a polycule. Because you want to be with me or because you want to get back at Snow? Emma asks as she rests her head on Reginas shoulder. After Hook leaves, Gold begins to falter, as his heart is growing darker, and he uses his magic to transport him and the Author to his shop to look up information on obtaining Blood Magic, in case they can't get Emma to turn dark. Will Emma become fearless and finally be able to reveal her true feelings or will Killian become the one that go away? "Oh my God, I am so sorry." While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Over the next ninety years, Regina ruled over Storybrooke, whose inhabitants did not age, as its tyrannical mayor Regina Mills. No star had ever shone for us. Obtaining Cinderella's glass slipper,Red Riding Hood's cape, a lock of Rapunzel's hair, the spindle that cursed Briar Rose into an eternal sleep, a jewel from Snow White's glass coffin, Merlin's wand, the cursed knife that briefly belonged to Ariel and the tears of a fairy, Regina resurrected Mira usingthe Wishing Spell. Robin tells Regina that Roland won't understand where his mother had gone, and Robin feels heartbroken to have lost his beloved Marian, because Zelena killed her back in the Enchanted Forest. "It's a long story that I would rather not focus on today. However, mother and daughter were soon torn apart. Suddenly, David and Snow are running toward them. Once the curse was broken and Henry no longer wanted to live with her, she even ensnared him in tree vines to prevent him from leaving, treating him like he was a prisoner. As the curse enveloped the land,Rumpelstiltskin explained to a smug Regina that the Dark Curse takes one to a land without magic. After Regina returned her mother's heart, Cora died from Rumplestiltskin's wound and he survived. Then, she tells Cora to return to Wonderland, and that she doesn't need her. If OUAT characters chatted SwanQueen. "Hmm?" Regina began to stir. that we get along, Darkness tempts us all, those who fight it are strongest. And. They've been cohabitating in the castle again for about a month now. "Today is supposed to be about celebrating Rachel after all." John chuckled. It's just been hidden. Everyone in the room turned to look at her with the exception of Regina, she slept through it. To commemorate Mira and serve as a distraction from her miserable circumstances (i.e. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (12), Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard (21), Prince Charming | David Nolan/Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard (8), Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Emma Swan (5), Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard & Emma Swan (3), Snow Queen | Ingrid | Sarah Fisher & Emma Swan (3), Huntsman | Sheriff Graham/Original Female Character(s) (2), Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard Bashing (28), Prince Charming | David Nolan Bashing (4), Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard Bashing, Villain, and a Thousand Other Names For Her, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, a sawn and a mama dragon and a snow queen, Maleficent/Snow Queen | Ingrid | Sarah Fisher, Snow Queen | Ingrid | Sarah Fisher & Emma Swan, Red Riding Hood | Ruby/Wicked Witch of the West | Zelena, Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Prince Charming | David Nolan, Prince Charming | David Nolan/Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold & Original Character(s), Evil Queen | Regina Mills & Wicked Witch of the West | Zelena Friendship, Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard Being an Asshole, This doesn't have a time spot for OUAT because I said fuck canon, Alex Danvers Ships Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Red Riding Hood | Ruby Ships Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan, Baelfire | Neal Cassidy gets on everyone's nerves, Zelena is the big sister Lena and Regina deserve, The Mills sisters have a type and it's blonde women, No Beta Reader we die like lesbians in the kill the gays trope, The Real Crisis on Infinite Earths is the amount of trauma these women have, Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Dark One Emma Swan, Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan Fluff, Christmas Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan, With You I'd Dance in a Storm in My Best Dress, Prince Charming | David Nolan & Emma Swan, Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard & Emma Swan, Captain Hook | Killian Jones & Liam Jones, Original Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Emma Swan Child(ren), Alternate Universe - Once Upon a Time Fusion, Young Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Young Emma Swan, Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Emma Swan Fluff, Protective Parent Prince Charming | David Nolan, Parents Prince Charming | David Nolan and Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Background Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Red Riding Hood | Ruby & Emma Swan Friendship, Married Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Emma Swan, Domestic Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Emma Swan, Past Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Emma Swan, Belle & Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Belle/Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Huntsman | Sheriff Graham/Dorea Potter (OFC), Red Riding Hood | Ruby/Teddy Lupin | Thodore Potter, Queen of Hearts | Cora/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold. She's the perfect daughter standing by her mother when she was hell bent on revenge. She makes it clear that she does not tolerate this kind of intrusion, by pulling the heart out of the groom and crushing it in front of his bride, the families, and friends. The two became friendly rivals and Regina eventually relayed information about the whereabouts of Princess Aurora, whom Maleficent desperately sought after. completed (POORLY WRITTEN) "A second chance Regina." Snow said squeezing Regina's arm slightly. Fanfiction Romance Belle Emma Swan Emma Henry Peter Pan Snow White The Seven Dwarves Love. with a twist. Regina's story wasn't as black and white as Henry's book made it seem. daniel; daughter; zelena +9 more # 6. Nov 21, 2022, 2:52 PM UTC did mace michaels leave kare 11 100 ft telescoping antenna mast ulsterbus timetables seafood festival 2022 florida big dicks tiny babes busty nerd teens. "They make it so when I play music only I can hear it" Regina then stole back the Dark Curse from Maleficent, as well as a lock of her hair for the spell, and began preparations to cast the Dark Curse. Regina and Lilith are very happy together in the Enchanted Forest. (Pattern alert!) Upon her arrival, Regina encountered Zelena the Wicked Witch of the West, whom Regina discovered was her elder maternalhalf-sister who Cora abandoned at birth to achieve nobility. As Maleficent convinces Lily to stay for a week to teach her some tricks, Emma finally forgives Mary Margaret and David for what they did. When Snow's father, King Leopold, learned of this, he wished to formally thank and award Regina. A chain of events of unexpected proportion begins and it soon becomes clear that magic itself is more than black and white and Emma discovers the beauty of magic while someone becomes desperate to rid her of it, regardless of the consequences to anyone involved. {updates will not be frequent as I am under a lot of stress at the moment. Engulfed in rage over all that had transpired, Regina located her built-in failsafe to the curse; activating it would destroy the town and kill everyone who inhabited it. Regina was born February 01, 1829, and wasthe daughter of Prince Henry, the fourth son of King Xavier, and a poor miller's daughter named Cora. She has the sudden urge to rip out Snow's heart. Once Upon A Time: 5 Times We Felt Bad For Regina (And 5 Times We Hated Her) By Matthew Rudoy. Keeping the sweet and compassionate Belle prisoner for so long would be cruel under any circumstances, but it's even worse when considering that it was never about Belle. Once Upon a Time | Captain Hook Tinker Bell Felix Henry Mills Robbie Kay | Fanfiction Fantasy Romance Love Neverland Peter Pan Ouat Lost Boys Emma Swan. In her despair, Regina accidentally ends up consumed by the mirror that once held Mira captive and it then shatters. As time moved differently in the Enchanted Forest than in the Land Without Magic, Regina arrived in Storybrooke, Maine in the mid 1920s. His wrongdoing is then undone by Henry and he is imprisoned by David and Snow. Regina was astonished to learn that while over ninety years passed in Storybrooke, it had not even been a year in the Enchanted Forest. But taken in isolation, it's one of the best standalone episodes of Once Upon A Time this season, at least from a thematic standpoint. Pense reste nanmoins prudente et lorsqu'elle ressent une forte magie elle va voir ce qui se passe et dcouvre deux enfants, un petit garon et un bb. Once Upon A Chat by Darlene Smith. In this episode Mary Margaret has to find the dagger before Cora and Regina, while flashbacks show a young Snow trying to save her mother's life. Work Search: ", RELATED:10 Once Upon A Time Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses. As she was not yet skilled enough in magic to cast an effective glamour upon herself, Regina petitioned Ursula to provide a potion that could change her shape for the next seventy-two hours. Cora learned to spin straw into gold for the small kingdom's monarchy and as reward, she earned the hand of the prince in marriage. Lily claims that she destroys everything she touches ever since Snow White and Prince Charming put Emma's darkness in her, and that no one would want to be with her. As a young woman, Cora removed her heart because she believed that love was weakness and she wanted to make herself more powerful and less vulnerable. When Snow White witnessed them passionately kiss in the horse's stables, she tearfully fled from the scene. (Aka: canon divergent season 2 - what if Regina never found out about Snows plan to abandon her in Storybrooke, or imprison her in Rumplestiltskins cell? Regina ties the sheriff upside-down above a boiling pot in the dungeon as punishment, but Cora uses her magic to send him home and confronts Regina over her actions. What if Regina had a daughter before she adopted Henry and unlike her brother she decided to learn magic. Leah is the first born daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming. He ruled Corona. Regina would crawl through blood and filth for her righteous place in the world, but where is exactly that is has never been clear. "You'd have a mother and a start on making a family that Henry could be a part of." Snow said knowing mentioning Henry would really get Regina's attention. When a girl named Zelena healed Regina and entered her life,Regina and Zelena quickly formed a close bond, withboth girls finding the kind of companionship they'd always wanted. Refusant de les abandonner au systme, elle dcide de s'en occuper et change la vie d'Emma Swan et de Pinocchio. And all of this leads her to the same conclusion. If there was one thing Regina was sure, she was going to destroy Snow White's happiness. Eva . David starts to help Regina as they find something between each other that will change everything. David nearly misses an important moment for his family. Despite Regina's attempt to defend herself, she was quickly overpowered and about to be killed when Snow White came to her rescue. On the eve of Regina's eighteenth birthday, Regina ran down a runaway horse that had been intentionally startled by Cora and rescued a seven year-old princess named Snow White. A nasty poison." On their way to rescue Henry, they get stranded in Neverland. "You have no relationship with your mother?" I nodded, sighing. While the Evil Queen prepared to cast her love spell on Mira, the huntsman helped Prince Chandler Charming, Snow's childhood friend, break into her palace and steal back Snow's heart before the Evil Queen could crush it, killing Snow in the process. ), what if when snow white tooks Malefecnt kids and put her drakness in them with the help of dark magic she made there drgongs dorment not knowing her kid was never born but stuck in limbo. After revealing the . Regina (Latin:"queen"), also known as the Evil Queen, is Snow White's stepmother. However, there's still a 1% of the population who is lucky enough to live in a protected bubble; like Mary Margaret Blanchard, who has everything she could ever wish. Pilot episode to the series finale, no character endured as much hardship and experienced as much and. Seamstress selling laces to feed her starving family and finally gets some things her. De s'en occuper et change la vie d'Emma Swan et de Pinocchio all. & quot ; Hmm &! 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